Tsev » 2020 » Lub kaum hli ntuj » 07

Cerimonia di Insediamento del neo Governatore della Toscana Eugenio Giani

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Inauguration Ceremony ntawm tus tswv xeev ntawm Tuscany Eugenio Gianio

Tsoom txoov tshiab Eugenio Gianio, hnub no, 8 Lub kaum hli ntuj, Yog teb proclaimed ob thiab ib nrab hnub lub lis piam tom qab kev xaiv tsa ntawm qhov kev xaiv tsa 20 thiab 21 Cuaj hlis los ntawm uas nws tuaj victorious, nuovo Presidente della Regione Toscana e al termine dell’avvenuta comunicazione si è insediato alla guida della Regione.La cerimonia si è svolta nella sala Pegaso di Palazzo […]

“Dante 700 – Un ritratto di Dante e i luoghi del poeta nelle fotografie di Massimo Sestini

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"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini tus duab

"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini' duab yog lub exhibition uas qhib rau hnub Saturday 3 Lub kaum hli ntuj los ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm cov republic, Sergio Mattarella, Nyob rau hauv cov Gregorian Palace ntawm lub Quirinale Palace, khij lub 7th centenary ntawm Alighieri tus tuag. Ib zaj dabneeg photographic nyob rau hauv 20 Dluab, 150 hom ntawv×100, realizzate […]

700 anni morte di Dante: oltre un anno di celebrazioni con Firenze cuore della ricorrenza

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700 hnub tuag: Ib xyoo ntawm celebrations nrog Florence ntawm lub plawv ib

Tus kav nroog Dario Nardella thiab Councillor rau Nulture Tommaso Sacchi, Muaj cov Minister rau tej cuab yeej cuab tam Dario Franceschini thiab ua ke nrog lub koom haum, koom haum, Lawv illustrated nyob hauv lub Salone dei Cinquecento ntawm Palazzo Vecchio, Lub ntsiab teg num uas yuav noj peb caug cov daim duab ntawm lub Poet. Ib tug nplua nuj heev calendar uas txo nws hwj txhua qhov […]

La cultura sale in carrozza: un treno per spettacoli, mostre, coworking e bistrot con il Vagone della Vedova Begbick

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Nyuas mus hauv lub carriage: ib lub tsheb ciav hlau qhia, miv, ua hauj lwm thiab bistro nrog tus Begbick Widow Wagon

Nyuas climbs ntawm carriage nyob da dej hauv Ripoli, ntawm lub rooj vag uas Florence, Qhov twg tus qub railway tsheb los rov qab mus rau lub neej qhov chaw exhibition chaw rau exhibitions, qhia thiab coworking chaw rau cov muaj creatives. Qhov no yog "Carriage 10 – Tus Begbick Widow Wagon", Ib qhov conceived los ntawm Municipality ntawm Ripolese thiab lub koom haum archetype, cofinanziato dalla Fondazione CR Firenze nell’ambito del […]

Al Forte di Belvedere gli scatti di Massimo Sestini sulla “Bellezza oltre il limite”

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Ntawm fort of Belvedere, Massimo Sestini txhaj tshuaj rau ntawm tus “Kev zoo nkauj li qhov txwv”

Mus txog 31 Lub kaum hli ntuj lub stands ntawm the Belvedere Fort, overlooking Florence, Host Massimo Sestini tus spectacular diam duab exhibition, "Kev zoo nkauj dua qhov txwv", tsim los ntawm Sergio Risaliti, promoted los ntawm thaj av ntawd Thecany thiab lub nroog ntawm Florence, Los ntawm Fondazione Sistema Tuscany, Thecany Tourism promotion thiab Mus.e.e.. Nees nkaum dluab los txhawb Tuscany thoob ntiaj teb, premiered hauv Florence.; […]

Il restauro delle lunette del Chiostro grande di Santa Maria Novella rovinate dall’alluvione

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Restoration ntawm tus cloister zoo kawg thiab ntawm Santa Maria Novella puas yog cov dej nyab

Rau lunettes muaj nyob rau sab hnub tuaj ntawm tus poj Cloister ntawm Santa Maria Novella, Nrog rau lub tsib portraits ntawm Dominican monks nyob rau hauv lub vault cruising nyob rau hauv lub capitals hauv lub lunettes, thiab lub ces kaum sab qab teb – txhua yam haujlwm hnyav ncawv puas thaum cov dej nyab ntawm tus dej nyab 1966 – saranno restaurate e riportate […]