Tsev » Entries muab lo los redazione (Nplooj ntawv 3)

Dab neeg sau los ntawm mariani
Thawj tswj: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, hoob 1964, journalist, Vatican correspondent, ib cov historians rau ntawm dej nyab Florence ntawm 1966, nws muaj ntau yam nqi ntawv xov xwm collaborates, TV thiab xov tooj cua, kho lub teb chaws thiab lub regional xovxwm heev heev chaw. Nws pib ua hauj lwm hauv journalism 1978, mus 14 xyoo, yuav sau ntawv qhia rau ob peb weeklies. Nws yog cov kws tshawb xyuas me Zecchino d'Oro nkauj thoob ntiaj teb, Nws tseem muab kev koom tes hauv xinesmas, TV, qhia, Chronicle, thiab cov keeb kwm ntawm Florence. Ntawm 1993 Nws tseem ua haujlwm hauv tv, thiab los ntawm cov 2005 txawm hauv lub xov tooj cua. Hauv journalism yog tus thawj editor in Chief ntawm ib qho chaw ua hauj lwm, Tus thawj televideo Rai regionale ib la Toscana edited nws, Lub Teletext ntawm ltalis 7, thiab nws nrhiav tau peb lub teb chaws nqi ntawv xov xwm. Nws collaborated cov qhov Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italy7; Cov no tej hauj lwm tseem, li zoo li tseem muab kev koom tes nrog tej lub regional Tuscan TV noj. Thaum kws Vej muaj heev heev lub teb chaws thiab lub regional TV broadcasting. Txij thaum cov Kwvyees li xyoo 1990 nws muaj qaim txaus qhia ntau yam hauv cov profession reporter, nrog rau lub teb chaws ntawm cov Board of Trustees ntawm cov Catholic npe ntawm cov xovxwm Italian tsoom txoov, Koom haum pom tau los Italian Episcopal sablaj, Koom Secretary cov lub National Italian nias Federation xovxwm chaw Journalists, Regional Secretary cov Catholic journalists ntawm Tuscany, Regional Secretary ntawm journalists nias cov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm Tuscany. Muab lo 5 phau ntawv keeb kwm. Rau txoj kev yuav pab lawd tog, Thaum Easter 2012, Nws yog koomhaum, yog tub huabtais Charles ntawm ob Bourbon Sicilies, Knight ntawm nqis ntawm qhov dawb huv tub rog Constantinian kev txiav txim ntawm cov neeg dawb huv George. Nws yog tus founder thiab President of Florence Promotes, twb lub Committee Pro Ward Memorial fiorentino di Ugnano.
Saldi invernali: in Toscana risale la spesa media

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Lub caij ntuj no muag khoom: in Toscana risale la spesa media

A pochi meno di una settimana dall’inizio dei saldi invernali arrivano i primi segnali positivi: le vendite di fine stagione, cominciate in Toscana lo scorso 5 Lub ib hlis ntuj, confermano i pronostici e la buona tendenza dei consumi che si è avuta nel periodo delle festività natalizie, con numeri in linea con l’andamento degli anni pre-Covid. YOG […]

La Bottega di restauro dell’Opera del Duomo aperta gratuitamente l’8 settembre

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Lub Restoration Workshop ntawm lub Opera del Duomo qhib dawb xwb rau lub Cuaj hlis 8

Cov "Restoration Workshop" ntawm tus Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Ntawm dello Studio hauv Florence, Yuav exceptionally qhib rau pej xeem, dawb, Rau lub Cuaj hlis 8 nrog continuous teev los ntawm cov sij hawm 9.30 tom 20.00, tsis muaj reservation. Tus Opera tau txiav txim siab mus nquam paj nquam nruas hnub uas nws foundation muab qhov chaw 726 xyoo dhau los, Cuaj hlis 8 […]

Redazione chiusa per ferie, si riapre il 7 settembre

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Editing kaw rau hnub caiv, koj rov qhib lub 7 Cuaj hlis

Tus Publisher tshaj tawm tias cov cov terrace ntawm Michelangelo, Txij li hnub no tus naj npawb, li qub, thiab thaum ua tag nrho downloads, , suspending lawv cov ntaub ntawv rau tag nrho lub hli lub yim hli ntuj. Editorial tus neeg ua hauj lwm xav tag nrho nyeem zoosiab hnub tshwjxeeb. Qhov tom ntej no yuav muaj nyob hauv internet ntawm 7 Cuaj hlis. Los ntawm cov xov tooj 396 – Xyoo IX […]

Mostra alla Galleria Moretti delle opere d’arte realizzate da persone affette da Parkinson

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Exhibition ntawm tus Moretti Gallery ntawm tej hauj lwm ntawm daim duab ua los ntawm cov neeg uas Parkinson tus

Mus txog 10 May ntawm lub Moretti Gallery, Piazza degli Ottaviani 19/r, Koj yuav mus ntsib tus exhibition "Creativity nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv tsa suab: Artistic yaam puab paub hauv Parkinson tus kab mob", Uas tam sim no ua haujlwm los ntawm cov neeg uas Parkinson lub parkinson thiab yog organized los ntawm lub koom haum Fresco Parkinson lub koom haum alongside lub symposium uas yog noj chaw ntawm lub koom haum ntawm lub Innocents. Ntawm 2015, […]

Raro cade chi ben cammina

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Tsis tshua ntog uas mus taug kev zoo

Tsis tshua ntog uas mus taug kev zoo. Koj puas xav txog seb zoo li cas yog mus taug kev? Yog peb yeej ib txwm tibneeg hu tauj coob thiab yeej tsis muaj sij hawm txaus los xyaum me ntsis’ kev ua si nawv, Peb yuav tsum nrhiav tsawg kawg yog 30 ib hnub mus kev. Ntau tshaj ob txhiab xyoo dhau los, Hippocrates hais tias taug kev yog cov tshuaj zoo tshaj plaws thiab heev heev […]

Trasparenze 2022. Installazioni e video di Domenico Fargnoli fino al 13 giugno alla Galleria Tornabuoni

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Transparencies 2022. Installations thiab yeeb yaj duab los domenico Fargnoli mus txog rau thaum 13 May nyob Galleria Tornabuoni

Tus exhibition “Transparencies 2022″ uas opens hauv Florence ntawm 13 Ntuj thiab uas yuav nyob twj ywm mus txog rau thaum 13 Lub rau hli ntuj 2022, Ntawm lub Galleria Tornabuoni hauv Maggio, 58r, Nyob rau hauv ib lub tsev historic nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub Oltrano, Consists ntawm ib plahaum loj transparent hais, Nrog reproductions tej yam tshwm sim thiab paintings […]

Buona Pasqua a tutti

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Zoo siab Easter rau tagnrho cov

Thawj coj Franco Mariani, ua ke nrog cov neeg ua hauj lwm tag nrho Editorial cov neeg ua hauj lwm, xav kom tag nrho peb loyal nyeem ib Serena thiab Happy Easter. Cov neeg ua hauj lwm Editorial los ntawm 382 – Xyoo IX 13/04/2022

Il solito pazzo da fuoco al David di Piazza della Signoria: danni per 15mila euro

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Tus li ib txwm hluav taws kub madman ntawm tus David hauv Piazza della Signoria: Puas rau 15 txhiab euros

Kev puas tsuaj rau tsawg kawg yog 15 Txhiab euros rau daim qauv ntawm David rau lub isngario ntawm Palazzo Vecchio hauv Piazza della Signoria. Qhov hluav taws kub ntawm lub tes ntawm Pisvejc Vaclav uas kub tuag nag hmo cov khaub ncaws dub tso rau tus pej thuam ua ib qho ntawm solidarity nrog Ukraine tau tshwm sim los ntawm ib feem ntawm qhov chaw ntawm lub sculpture uas yuav tau tu nrog […]

Tutti al Cinema: nei giorni 16, 17 e 18 marzo, ingresso unico a 4 euro per tutti gli spettacoli

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Tag nrho cov xinesmas: hnub 16, 17 thiab 18 Lub peb hlis ntuj, nkag mus rau hauv 4 euro rau tag nrho qhia tau hais tias

Peb hnub uas txo daim pib, Peb hnub muab rov qab rau ntawm qhov chaw ntawm peb lub sij hawm dawb lub sij hawm tsis pom kev zoo ntawm ib zaj duab xis zoo nyob rau hauv lub cuab, ib leeg los yog nrog nws cov phooj ywg, tseem noj zaub mov thiab dej qab zib: Tuaj txog hauv Florence thiab lwm tus "wb rov qab mus poob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg hlub ntawm lub xinesmas". Hnub Wednesday 16, Thursday, […]

I nostri figli navigano nel web: verso quali porti?

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Peb cov me nyuam surf lub web: uas ports?

Qhov uas yuav muaj kev siab phem thiab cyberbullying rau lub web yog lub ntsiab ntawm ib lub rooj sab laj uas yuav muab qhov chaw rau Thursday 17 Lub peb hlis ntuj feeb 21.00 Nyob rau hauv internet platform – meet.google.com/irf-yegf-tzu – Organized los ntawm lub koom haum Russell-Newton entitled "Peb cov me nyuam surf lub web: uas ports?" qhib rau txhua yam, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau cov me nyuam kawm ntawv, niam txiv thiab cov neeg txawj ntse. Teg num cov […]