Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Xov xwm (Nplooj ntawv 176)

Prostata: nuovo laser per cancellare il dolore durante intervento

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Prostate: kev laser tshiab rau lwv lub mob thaum phais

Raws point, yam tsawg kawg hauv Florence, tu thiab kho cov benign prostatic hypertrophy (IPB), qhov kev siv ntawm Villa Donatello thiab Oncological Centre Florence (CFO), uas tau muaj ib tug tseem ceeb tshiab hu ua "Ntsuab sib". Ib lub teeb ntsuab uas erases qhov mob, dissolves ntshai phais thiab ib cov theem ntev post-operative, thiab yuav […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno: Stop di Federalberghi Firenze

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Kev nce se: Tsis yog Federalberghi Florence

"Nyob rau hauv peb cov chaw ntiav pw hauv ib lub xyoo 6,776 lab lub ntsiab: Dab tsi yuav ua tus Municipality tau nce ntawm 50 xees ib hmo? Thiab ua li cas yuav siv no JC?"Thawj coj yuav thov ib lub rooj sib tham nrog Bechi assessors tourism thiab cov nyiaj siv, tias koj hais: "Npaj rau kev sib tham". "Peb tus me thiab nyob twj ywm txojcai cov ntaub ntawv […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno, De Ria: “Non possiamo scoraggiare così i turisti”

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Kev nce se, Tsib Ria: "Peb tsis tau poob siab thiaj li tourists"

"Ces ntawm pob nyiaj siv to thiab tourists yog cai teb". Jacopo tsib Ria, Tsoom txoov ntawm Confcommercio Florence, nrog cov ntsiab lus ntawm qhov nce 50 ntawm cov nyiaj ua se tau xees. "Kuv yuav nco ntsoov qhia cov ua haujlwm hauv tias lub zos nyob ntawm mas tourism. Tiamsis tus maneuver no yam yuav tsuas xaus nrog lub discouraging […]

Lo sviluppo della meeting industry nella città metropolitana di Firenze

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Kev loj hlob ntawm cov rooj sib tham kev lag luam hauv tsam lub nroog ntawm Florence

Txhawb txoj kev loj hlob ntawm kev lag luam sib tham nyob hauv Florence yog lub hom phiaj ntawm qhov chaw lub rooj sab laj ntawm koom haum lub tourism sector tus sawv cev thiab tus Florence Convention Bureau; ib lub rooj sib tham uas yuav coj mus rau lub tsev lag luam uas Steering Committee rau rau txoj kev Congress tourism, lag luam thiab ntsib kev lag luam, txheej xwm kev lag luam, hauv lub zos uas tsam […]

Al via i festeggiamenti per il 150 di Firenze Capitale d’Italia

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Nyob ntawm festivities rau cov 150 nyob rau hauv Florence lub peev ntawm ltalis

Rau qhov yav tsaus ntuj ntawm 3 Lub ob hlis ntuj 1865, nyob rau hauv ib lub nroog floodlit thiab thronged los ntawm Senators crowds, Neeg, txog ntawm pej xeem cov tub ceev xwm, pej kum tub rog thiab zoo tib yam, Vaj ntxwv Victor Emmanuel II yog txiav nws nkag hauv Florence, nyuam qhuav tau proclaimed tus tshiab peev ntawm tus hluas Kingdom of ltalis. Lub nroog muaj no lub luag hauj lwm tsib xyoos xwb, mus txog […]

Cardinale Betori parla in Consiglio Comunale

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Cardinal Betori hais lus rau cov City Council

Tav su Monday hauv lub Salon tsib ' Dugento nyob Palazzo Vecchio, Thaum cov tshuaj txhua lub limtiam qhib rau sawv daws, lub Archbishop ntawm Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, nyob rau ntawm tus kav nroog Dario Nardella, yuav tuaj, lub nroog councilors thiab Chairmen ntawm lub koog tsev kawm ntawv Pope Francesco cov lus rau cov 48 th hnub ntiaj teb kev sib haum xeeb. "Kuv ua tsaug Cardinal Betori rau […]

6-8 febbraio: VIII edizione di Immagine Italia &Co.

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6-8 Lub ob hlis ntuj: Ib tsab VIII ntawm ltalis duab &Pa roj carbon monoxide.

Ib zaug dua ltalis duab &Pa roj carbon monoxide. aims rau tus tseev tsim ntiaj teb lag luam li qhov lawv ua ncaj ncees hauv ltalis los ltalis rau cov ris tsho hauv qab zam rau cov poj niam thiab cov txiv neej txhua tus neeg. Yog tau kev koom tes rau lub txawv teb chaws exhibitors ntawm Fabkis, Spain, Lub teb chaws Yelemees, Belgium, Switzerland, Slovenia, Latvia thiab Austria. Yeej zoo rau nws […]

Piaggeliadi 2015: la mini-olimpiade tra scuole

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Piaggeliadi 2015: mini-Olympic ua si ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv

Yog cov 28 Lub peb hlis ntuj 1995 Thaum twg tus Torchbearer Moussa lov, Middle-distance khiav pob uas competed rau lub Banca Toscana, ob peb lub hlis ua ntej winning rau nyiaj puav pheej nyob rau sab hauv tsev nyob sab Europe Championships, Nws nkag mus rau lub qub chaw ntau pob ntawm Brozzi, nrog nws cov lus uas yuav luag 400 cov me nyuam, ntawd los qhia rau lub ntees nyob symbolically lub Brazier, qhov tseeb uas muab, […]

Geotermia: la birra diventa rinnovabile al 100%

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Geothermics: npias sunburn tus tauj dua tshiab 100%

Cov khoom uas geothermal rooj, Nws twb yuav khav cheese, Zaub txig theem thiab hnyuv ntxwm, koj lub tsev lag luam ntawd npias "Npias pa" ntawm Sasso Pisano ntxiv, nyob rau lub municipality ntawm Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, ob peb hnub yav dhau los nws muab tso rau hauv ntau lawm tus tshiab "tauj dua tshiab fwj" vim cov chav geothermal Enel fais fab ntsuab. Lub brewery founded los […]

Teatro Nuovo diventa Teatro Alias

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Teatro Nuovo yuav tsev ua yeeb yam A.k.a.

Lub Teatro del circolo ricreativo Arci Lippi, thiaj li paub tias cov Teatro Nuovo, yuav muaj ib tug tshiab qhia kev chaw hauv lub nroog: "ib chaw tsis tsuas kev tab sis kuj muaj kev nyob rau thaj tsam ntawm lub nroog uas nws tab tom xyaum," hais tus Chairman ntawm lub Committee nyuas thiab kev ua si nawv Marie Garcia- […]