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Il Falstaff di Battiston e De Rosa alla Pergola

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The Falstaff Battiston and De Rosa to Pergola

Braggart, sbruffone, voracious, lively, furfante, Falstaff arrives on stage at the Teatro della Pergola accompanied by the powerful flexibility of Giuseppe Battiston, in the dual role of Sir John Falstaff and King Henry IV, on the score of dramaturgical Nadia Fusini, embellished by director Andrea De Rosa. A new creation that combines dramatic theater, philosophy, opera […]

“Il SOL ci ha dato alla testa”al Teatro di Rifredi

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"The SOL gave us the head" at the Teatro di Rifredi

The show Raphael Tullo, with Raphael Tullo, voice, Renato Ciardo, percussion, Vittorio Bruno, battery, Nicholas Pantaleo, contrabass, Francesco Pagliarulo, sax, bombardino e tromba, in collaboration with Music Pool, organization BAGS Entertainment, will be staged at the Teatro di Rifredi from 9 al 18 January. A new unmissable, for the first time in Florence Rimbamband: […]

Il gennaio del teatro Puccini

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January theater Puccini

These shows scheduled in January at the Teatro Puccini in Florence: Saturday 10 January at 21 and Sunday 11 January at 16,45 "For large and Puccini, theater festival for children from 0 to 99 year old "; Catalyst presenta “I Musicanti di Brema” ("My Love Bremen"). Written and directed by Riccardo Lozenges, con Riccardo […]

Natale al Circo a Firenze con Moira Orfei

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Christmas at the Circus in Florence with Moira Orfei

After three years of absence returned to Florence with his circus Moira Orfei, making a special gift to the Florentines: debut on Christmas day of the new show "The Princess and the Lion", with Brigitta Ringlet and Stefano Orfei, the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence. The two shows have attracted over 5500 people, […]

Fine d’anno al Verdi con The Best of Musical

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Fine d’anno al Verdi con The Best of Musical

The best of musical, che chiude il 2014 at the Teatro Verdi, in scena il 30 and 31 December, è uno spettacolo emozionante, choreographic, that draws the public, as evidenced by our shoot, made at the end of the show 30 December. For the director Chiara Noschese – that will be in Florence, a surprise, on stage, come performer nello spettacolo del 31 December – […]

Al Verdi Paolo Ruffini doppia di nuovo

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Al Green Paolo Ruffini double again

Io doppio-il ritorno è lo spettacolo teatrale che ha reso celebre in tutta Italia l’ associazione Nido del Cuculo e la straordinaria bravura di Paolo Ruffini, real stage animal, che questa volta si esibisce al Teatro Verdi di Firenze sabato 27 December at 20,45 and Sunday 28 at 16,45. Le risate sono […]

Al Puccini Katia Beni e Anna Meacci: Non c’è duo senza te

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At Puccini Katia Beni and Anna Meacci: There's duo without you

Here they are again! Katia Beni and Anna Meacci back together, with a happening to surprise, in the formula two that has been very successful in the successful partnership with the show Ticket & Tac e nelle dimostrazioni del Laboratorio di Teatro Comico che le ha viste protagoniste in scena con i loro allievi nelle esilaranti serate […]

Tra Pergola e Goldoni un Natale da favola

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Between Pergola and Goldoni a Christmas fairytale

This year for the first time ever the Fondazione Teatro della Pergola offers a program for children up to 99 years who want to accompany their families, through the halls of the Pergola and Goldoni, often with shows at the same time. Protagonisti saranno gli attori dei Sei personaggi che diranno il Canto di Natale di Dickens […]

Al Verdi ritorna Giuseppe Fiorello con il suo sogno

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Green returns to the Giuseppe Fiorello with his dream

After the success in the last season, where exactly in Florence was the first in the preferences of subscribers, Teatro Verdi Giuseppe Fiorello back with "I think a dream so" where the artist meets, and talks to himself as a child, laughs of his shyness, outdated, and brings to life the stories, le immagini e i racconti […]

Alla Pergola il Mercante di Venezia con Silvio Orlando

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Pergola at the Merchant of Venice with Silvio Orlando

After the success of Romeo and Juliet, production Teatro Eliseo 2011, Riccardo Scamarcio and Deniz Ozdogan, was born a new company, the Popular Shakespeare Kompany, which had its official baptism with the play "The Tempest", within the Shakespeare Festival in Verona 2012. La compagnia si impegna ogni anno a mettere […]