Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» gerusalemme

Seconda giornata dell’incontro dei Vescovi del Mediterraneo

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Ob hnub ntawm lub rooj sab laj ntawm lub Bishops ntawm lub Mediterranean

Briefing ntawm ob hnub ntawm qhov kev sib tham "Mediterranean frontier ntawm kev sib haum xeeb", Noj qhov chaw ntawm lub Dominican Convent ntawm Santa Maria Novella, Nrog rau qhov kev koom tes ntawm lub Bishops ntawm lub Mediterranean, Nce los ntawm cov Italian Episcopal sablaj. Cov Kev Pab Cuam Ntawm Cov Kev Pab Cuam: S.Em. Daim ntawv. YAUXEJ BETORI, Archbishop of Florence. S.Em. Daim ntawv. JEAN-CLAUDE HOLLERICH, Archbishop of Luxembourg, President ntawm lub Commission ntawm lub Episcopal sablaj ntawm cov European Union […]

Gertrude Bell, la Regina del deserto e fondatrice dell’Iraq

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Gertrude Bell, Poj huab tais lub suab puam thiab founder ntawm Iraq

Ntawm nws lub Majesty daim card service. Kuv npe hu ua tswb, Gertrude Bell. Se pensiamo a un agente segreto lo immaginiamo in stile James Bond, che beve Martini con licenza di uccidere e che guida un Aston MartinMa un secolo fa il migliore agente segreto di sua Maestà indossava eleganti abiti francesi ed era […]

Giovanni Caccamo in concerto a Firenze per la Terra Santa

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John C hauv kev hais kwv txhiaj hauv Florence rau lub ntuj daim av

Il giovane cantautore e musicista Giovanni Caccamo, vincitore della sezione Nuove Proposte del Festival di Sanremo 2015 con la canzone “Ritornerò da te”, si è esibito recentemente nella suggestiva location del Convento di San Salvatore, nella Città Vecchia di Gerusalemme. Grazie al Tour “Live at home 3.0”, sponsorizzato da Montblanc Italia, in collaborazione con l’Istituto […]

A Firenze il II Festival delle Religioni

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Nyob rau hauv Florence lub II Success religions

THIAB’ Yog tus cob moos ntawm Florence Dario Nardella, Leej twg muab Giorgio La Pira ua ib qho piv txwv pib ntawm nws kab lus "uniting lub zos los sib sau tiag”, qheb, nyob rau hauv cov laus Palace, Tus II Success of Religions uas yuav siv sij hawm los ntawm qhov chaw 15 al 17 Ntuj hauv lub peev Tuscan peev, thiab hnub no […]

Madre Maria Agnese Tribbioli verso la causa di beatificazione

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Niam Mary Agnes Tribbioli ntawm kev ua kom muaj beatification

Tus 27 Lub ob hlis ntuj 1965 Niam Mary Agnes Tan tuag nyob Florence, qhov yug lub 20 Tim 1879. Professed kev cai dab qhuas thiab founder ntawm "Congregazione Suore ncuav qab zib Operaie di San Giuseppe", tam sim no tuaj ntau regions of ltalis, hauv khej, Brazil thiab Romania, Ziab tus niam yuav tsum evangelism lub plawv thiab cov kev pab los ntawm cov […]

Cavalieri 6: Saluto Gran Maestro Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro Cardinale O’Brien

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Knights 6: Knights pej ascas npawg lub ntuj Sepulchre Cardinal O'brien

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 4: Investitura Dame Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 4: Investiture Dame ntuj Sepulchre ntawm Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 3: Consegna del Mantello Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 3: Mantle Knights ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 2: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 2: Investiture Knights lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 1: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 1: Investiture Knights lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Nplooj ntawv 1 ntawm 212