Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» MUS.E

La guida di Palazzo Medici Riccardi

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Cov txheej txheem ntawm Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Palazzo Medici Riccardi si dota finalmente di una nuova guida, a cura di Valentina Zucchi, che permetterà di conoscere e approfondire la storia e le bellezze di uno dei più importanti musei della città di Firenze, prima dimora dei Medici, dove vissero Cosimo il Vecchio e Lorenzo il Magnifico. Realizzata grazie alla collaborazione di MUS.E, Palazzo […]

Estate Fiorentina 2021: quattro mesi di eventi per la rinascita culturale della città

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Lub caij ntuj so Fiorentina 2021: Plaub lub hlis ntawm txheej xwm rau cov kev cai rebirth ntawm lub nroog

Lub caij ntuj sov luv Florentine, Plaub lub hlis xwb tsis txhob siv li ib txwm vim yog cov evolution ntawm cov kev kub ntxhov, tiam sis eventful, Success, exhibitions thoob plaws hauv lub nroog muab ib lub teeb liab thiab kev cai rebirth of Florence tom qab ntau lub hlis cuam tshuam los ntawm cov pandemic. Nws yog ib tsab 2021 kev tshwm sim, Hais nyob rau Teatro della Pergola los ntawm sawv daws […]

Accese le luci natalizie di Firenze

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Florence Lub Florence Christmas teeb rau

Christmas kicks 2020 Nyob rau hauv Florence nrog lub ignition, kawg 7 Hlis ntuj nqeg, ntoo christmas thiab illuminations nyob hauv lub nroog. "Florence tsis tig nws teeb thiab tsis muab tsob ntoo rau ib Christmas vam cia - hais tus kav nroog Dario Nardella - lawv yuav tau tshwj xeeb heev thiab tseem distressing ob tog, ma non vogliamo che questo […]

“Raffaello e Firenze” in mostra a Palazzo Vecchio fino al 31 dicembre 2020

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“Raphael thiab Florence” Rau zaub ntawm Palazzo Vecchio Vecchio mus txog rau thaum cov 31 Hlis ntuj nqeg 2020

Nyob rau lub ntees ntawm lub ib ntawm Raphael tus tuag (1520-2020), Lub nroog Florence thiab MUS. Thiab, Nrog rau kev pab los ntawm lub teb chaws pawg neeg rau cov celebrations ntawm tus 500 Xyoo txij thaum tuag Raffaello Sanzio thiab nyob rau hauv lub tswv yim nrog lub Palais tsib Beaux-Arts tsib Lille, lub koom haum exhibition "Raphael thiab Florence", tsim los ntawm Valentina Zucchi thiab Sergio Risaliti. Kis, uas yuav muaj nyob rau hauv lub Sala d'Arme ntawm Palazzo Vecchio mus txog rau thaum lub […]

“Dante 700 – Un ritratto di Dante e i luoghi del poeta nelle fotografie di Massimo Sestini

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"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini tus duab

"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini' duab yog lub exhibition uas qhib rau hnub Saturday 3 Lub kaum hli ntuj los ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm cov republic, Sergio Mattarella, Nyob rau hauv cov Gregorian Palace ntawm lub Quirinale Palace, khij lub 7th centenary ntawm Alighieri tus tuag. Ib zaj dabneeg photographic nyob rau hauv 20 Dluab, 150 hom ntawv×100, realizzate […]

Al Forte di Belvedere gli scatti di Massimo Sestini sulla “Bellezza oltre il limite”

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Ntawm fort of Belvedere, Massimo Sestini txhaj tshuaj rau ntawm tus “Kev zoo nkauj li qhov txwv”

Mus txog 31 Lub kaum hli ntuj lub stands ntawm the Belvedere Fort, overlooking Florence, Host Massimo Sestini tus spectacular diam duab exhibition, "Kev zoo nkauj dua qhov txwv", tsim los ntawm Sergio Risaliti, promoted los ntawm thaj av ntawd Thecany thiab lub nroog ntawm Florence, Los ntawm Fondazione Sistema Tuscany, Thecany Tourism promotion thiab Mus.e.e.. Nees nkaum dluab los txhawb Tuscany thoob ntiaj teb, premiered hauv Florence.; […]

Conoscere Firenze dall’alto: lo spettacolo delle torri

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Yuav tsum paub Florence ntawm saum toj no: lub spectacle ntawm cov towers

Rov qhib rau pej xeem, Cuaj hlis thoob plaws hauv lub Cuaj hlis, nroog thiab lub nroog gates: San Niccolò ntauwd yuav qhib txhua lub limtiam ntawm hnub Friday rau lub sij hawm 16-19, thaum tib lub sijhawm qeeb, Yuav qhib rau pej xeem rau lwm hnub Saturdays kuj Porta Romana (Hnub vas xaum 5 thiab hnub Saturday 19) Thiab Mint Tower (Hnub vas xaum 12 thiab hnub Saturday 26). Tej zaum koj yuav tau txav mus rau hauv […]

Kevin Francis Gray al Museo Bardini fino al 21 Dicembre

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Kevin Francis txho rau lub tsev khaws puav pheej Bardini mus txog 21 Hlis ntuj nqeg

Stefano Bardini tsev cia puav pheej 21 Hlis ntuj nqeg 2020 pib lub exhibition Kevin Francis Gray, curated Antonella Nesi thiab dlhau cov artist ntawm Irish qhovntsej thiaj tsis mob. Tus exhibition, nce rau ntawm lub zos Florence, muaj quas los Mus.e nrog cov Contemporary Secci Eduardo, tsaug rau cov kev pab dav ntawm Moaconcept; muaj cov tej hauj lwm ntawm Kevin Francis Gray hauv Florence testifies thiab tuaj yuav qhia rau lub luag hauj lwm […]

“Tutankhamon: viaggio verso l’eternità” in mostra a Palazzo Medici Riccardi fino al 2 giugno

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"Tutankhamun: lus rau qhov eternity"rau zaub tom Palazzo Medici Riccardi kom txog rau thaum kawg ntawm lub 2 Lub rau hli ntuj

Mus txog 2 Lub rau hli ntuj 2020 tus Gallery of Carriage shalls Palazzo Medici Riccardi hosts exhibition "Tutankamon: lus rau qhov eternity", edited by Maria Cristina Guidotti, tus curator ntawm Iyiv tsev cia puav pheej rau hauv Florence thiab Pasquale Barile, tsoom txoov Ancient ntiaj teb neej, nrog lub patronage ntawm cov tsam lub nroog ntawm Florence thiab lub nroog ntawm Florence, nyob rau hauv lub tswv yim uas MUS. Thiab. Tus exhibition muaj quas ntawm cov haiv neeg […]

Corona,scettro e collare di Cosimo I in mostra a Palazzo Vecchio grazie all’orafo Paolo Penko

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Yas,sceptre thiab collar ntawm Cosimo kuv rau zaub tom Palazzo Vecchio tsaug cov Sherilyn goldsmith Paolo Penko

Nyob Palazzo Vecchio tsev cia puav pheej, mus txog 15 Lub peb hlis ntuj 2020, koj yuav qhuas tus exhibition “Nyob rau hauv lub palace Cosimo. Cim ntawm cov hwjchim”, highlighting qhov sib txuas los Palazzo Vecchio thiab Cosimo kuv tsib’ Cov kws kho mob (1519-1574), uas yog qhov ib sixteenth uas muaj tus yug. Koomhaum Duke ntawm Florence rau cov 1537, qhov tseeb, Cosimo kuv siv nws xwb […]

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