All set for the 22nd edition of Piaggeliadi

For the 22 th consecutive year, the Department of Sport of the City of Florence with the collaboration of POL West Florence organizes Piaggeliadi 2017, the miniolimpiade par excellence, the manifestation of promoting the most important grassroots sports at the city level and regional, and that more and more is being imposed at the national level - as demonstrated by the more than 16.382 edition attendance 2016 – riservata ai ragazzi/e delle Scuole Elementari e Medie del Comune e Provincia di Firenze.

The Piaggeliadi born in 1995 dalla necessità di combattere il degrado giovanile in una realtà come Firenze, and the neighborhood of Piagge, and simultaneously, bring it closer to the sport, inteso ai suoi valori e soprattutto lontani dall’eccesso dell’agonismo.

Participation in tendering by educational institutions through its students is devoid of responsibility and completely free, as well as the necessary materials that are made available by POL West Florence.

"One of the most authentic sports promotion events of our city that throughout the spring allows to more than 15 thousand children and young people to try many disciplines - said the Councillor for Sport Andrea Vannucci - An event created by the spirit of participation and the desire to aggregation of a neighborhood, the Piagge, and then spread to the entire city by involving generations of Florentines, that approached the sport thanks to this extraordinary occasion ".

"As chairman of the Quarter 5 I am proud to present Piaggeliadi - said Cristiano Balli - An event that, partite 22 years ago from an idea of ​​POL West Florence, took caliber regional and which will see the 2 next April over 15 thousand children of the Florentine schools and compete with local sports competitions. An initiative of the periphery in an attractive project for all of Florence ".

The first edition was attended by about 400 especially children belonging to the School District 5 and over the years the number has grown to 16.382 units recorded in the previous edition representing the entire City institutions.

Sport as a key element in the health and education, as an opportunity to exit from individualism, as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities. In a sentence: sports as a right of citizenship.

The Piaggeliadi today are promoted by the initiative to the sport and produced by POL Florence West with the active collaboration of Coni, FIGC, the Fit and Uisp.

The Piaggeliadi are an example of how you can approach to the sport without the excesses and distorted messages related to competition early.

A "container" where thousands of children have approached the sport and later began their journey.

The first event is scheduled for Sunday 2 April at 10 con la cerimonia d’apertura al Palasport in viale Paoli, while the last date is on 20 May in Palazzo Vecchio with the final prize giving.

As every year, leading the way to the event Piaggeliadi will make the Florentines Championships youth tennis competitions and competitions which will begin in the sports center West Florence.

The winners will be awarded the title of Champion Fiorentini and will be awarded with the title and the trophy Fiorentino along with the delivery of the study Piaggeliadi Findomestic bags, assigned to the institutions that will have more participants and students enrolled in Piaggeliadi and that will be devoted to children less fortunate economically for supporting and continuing the study, e alle borse di studio Artemio Franchi progetto dell’elaborato sull’etica dello sport.

In this 22nd edition of the races are Piaggeliadi:

- mini Tennis - tennis on small field, race that will take place at the Country club Match Ball e presso l’ Affrico a.s.d in Viale dei Mille, new collaborations born from the need and demands of the families of expanding gambling areas to the areas of the south and Florence Campo di Marte

- Go Back - type Mini Tennis but using both hands, races to be carried out Country club Match Ball e presso l’ Affrico a.s.d new collaborations born from the need and demands of the families of expanding gambling areas to the areas of the south and Florence Campo di Marte

- Marathon Family - Every child ran a mini-marathon with a family member;

- soccer – teams with at least one girl or a boy in the field;

- Volleyball – teams with at least one girl or a boy in the field (only for middle school);

- Clay Target - fun shooting the balls to a fixed target;

- 60 meter dash - it runs at the stadium Ridolfi, in groups of 6/8 and pass to the next battery the first 2 results;

- Rugby – a day dedicated to Rugby ;

- Swimming – qualifying rounds and finals;

- Fencing - with plastic swords, masks and footboards;

- Basket - Teams with at least one girl or a boy in the field, for this game and for the first time enrolled children who are part of Q1- Q2- Q3 will go to the structure of ' Affrico a.s.d a Campo di Marte e per i ragazzi del Q4 e Q5 presso la Polisportiva Firenze Ovest.

- Game Samurai – (yudo)

The 3rd edition of the prize "Giulia Baccani" was established, dedicated to the memory of a recently deceased child. Questo premio consiste in un progetto che permette l’apprendimento di una disciplina sportiva insegnata da istruttori Federali all’interno dell’Istituto Didattico che vincerà il premio.

The winner of the "Giulia Baccani" award will be the school that, through scores presence, totaled the most points and therefore will be included in educational programming teaching a sport (tennis) curricular timetable at no cost.

From 2009 the Provincial C.O.N.I Florence has promoted this award alongside and supporting, le Piaggeliadi con il “Gioco Sport” concedendo gratuitamente agli Istituti didattici primari partecipanti all’iniziativa e che ne fanno richiesta l’insegnamento dei giochi sportivi all’interno della loro Palestra .

Projects to date have been performed in over Sport 35 educational institutions for a number of 150 annual hours for each project , in 2004 Findomestic financed Florence 20 Sport projects simultaneously with an investment in the only 2004 over 50.000,00 euro.

The teachers institutions that to date have benefited from this project are: Matteotti, Colombo, Duca D'Aosta, shack, Balducci, earlier Firenze, Kassel, Carducci, Don Milani S. Piero a Ponti, Marco Polo di S. Angel Lecore, Lavagnini, Rossini, Initially di San Donnino, rodari, Bargellini, S. Teresa, Paolo Uccello, Beato Angelico, Vittorino da Feltre, Padule, Villani.

With the edition of 1999 It is established another big news that surely shows how much attention is given to the reality and the various problems existing in the planet School, do not last unfortunately the early school leaving for economic reasons.

Indeed, grazie ad un progetto elaborato dal Comune di Firenze con l’allora Sindaco Mario Primicerio e l’ Assessore allo Sport Alberto Brasca, ogni anno vengono attribuite 10 of euro Scholarships 250,00 cad. to students from poor families, segnalati all’organizzazione Piaggeliadi, dai Dirigenti Scolastici di appartenenza (that figure serves to support the expense of books).

The right allocation of the scholarships is unquestionable competence of the Deans of Institutes Teaching.

From 2002 during, durante la legislatura del Sindaco Leonardo Dominici, the Councillor for Sports Eugenio Giani, to give continuity in time to this particular award, together with POL Florence West located, the Findomestic collaboration, for future years to date , that it takes economic coverage.

Among other things in the 20th edition Piaggeliadi 2015 It was extended the collaboration agreement with Findomestic for more 3 years; even in just one year 2004 grazie a Findomestic, per celebrare la 10ma Edizione di Piaggeliadi fu creata ad Ottobre un’ edizione Piaggeliadi Straordinaria nella quale Findomestic ha erogato Borse di studio per 20.000,00 euri; today Findomestic has provided to this project around 50,000 euro to over 200 families received grants through the Educational Institute of belonging.

With the continued growth of subscribers in the Event of Piaggeliadi, POL West Florence, to increase the gaming space which now never were becoming increasingly restricted, He has decided to create a pressure cover on the tennis court No. 2 and thanks to the contribution of the City of Florence that has supported us for several months, we managed to get the permits and fidjussioni needed to realize this project.

More information on the official site

The website allowed a school Luxembourgish, namely the European School, di partecipare e di risultare quindi il primo circolo didattico “straniero” alla manifestazione.

The POL Florence West Fusing 3 existing sports clubs in the Novoli district- Brozzi- Peretola. In order of importance after 'A.C.. Fiorentina is the second football club in the City of Florence.

Among the structures can boast the availability of 3 soccer fields, 1 field subsidiary, 2 tennis courts plus a multipurpose facility covered and heated (Via Lombardia corner Via della Sala) used for Schools Sport (Tennis and Soccer).

The POL Florence West boasts about total 500 boys enrolled; the lion's share of course it is up to football whose members participate in all youth competitions FIGC.

From about 22 years great resonance is getting the Tennis School, conducted by Maestro Marco Borri. In short, the POL West Florence is definitely and always will be the most important reference point and at the forefront growth of boys / girls.

Interviste di Franco Mariani, riprese di Mauro Pocci.

Frank Mariani
By the number 148 – Anno IV del 22/2/2017