Lub dodecahedron thiab ib tsob ntoo mulberry nyob Piazza Signoria pib lub exhibition "lub Botany ntawm Leonardo"

Albero in piazza Signoria 7Tus loj polyhedron uas nyob rau hauv ib tsob ntoo mulberry. staged ntau tshaj li ob nights hauj lwm, es hauv Piazza della Signoria, hauv plawv Florence, lub amazement thiab xav tau cov no.

Tus loj hnub no zoo siab txais tos qhua lub xwmfab, ib tug tshiab ib ntus muaj tso rau ntawm tus masterpieces ntawm Florentine Renaissance, ob peb kauj ruam ntawm Palazzo Vecchio, tus pej thuam equestrian ntawm Cosimo kuv thiab cov tug ciav ntawm Neptune.

Lub cim loj – sab saum toj rau metres-anticipating thiab pib tus txheem ntawm lub exhibition ua tus Botany Leonardo. Rau kev kawm ntawm kos duab thiab xwm tshiab.

Kis, uas yuav pib qhov ntxiv mus 13 Cuaj hlis hauv Florence hauv Museo di raug Maria Novella, yog ib tuam siv nyob rau hauv txoj kev uas lub nroog muaj nplooj siab rau Leonardo tus celebrations.

"No tshiab plahaum," hais tus kav nroog Dario Nardella – yog ib tug evocative saib ua ntej ntawm thoj, loj exhibition rau Leonardo peb Teacher hauv Florence hauv xyoo los tus ntse heev ntawm Vinci. Tom qab cov exhibition lub Verrocchio, nyob Palazzo Strozzi, nplooj siab rau tus tswv uas Leonardo, rau cov municipality muaj thiaj tau qiv cov Putto uas muaj ntses taub ntswg ntev, thiab xaiv cov uas lub Atlanticus kis tau tus kab mob nyob hauv Palazzo Vecchio Codex, Peb yuav tau kaw lub xyoo uas muaj ib qhov zoo kawg thiab lwm, rau ntuj thiab botanical cov kev tshawb fawb ntawm Leonardo tsaug ib lub tswv yim nrog Aboca, peb tus hlub nyob rau ntawm cov khw. Nrog cov hauj lwm no kuj peb txuas hnub nyoog rau kev lig kev cai ntawm Florence ua ib qhov chaw tej pej xeem kos duab, cov kab mob sib kis ntawm yeej, txoj kev sib tw unprecedented: Peb yeej npaj, Tsaug Leonardo, rau reinvent peb tus kheej lub Florence ntawm lub neej tom ntej".

Lub polyhedron, Nrog cov "ntsuab" muaj mulberry, Yuav caw cov lab tus qhua rau lub square kom muaj kev cuam tshuam ib qhov zoo kawg thiab – thiab countless – nyiam cov genius ntawm Vinci, Uas yuav tau hais nyob rau hauv lub exhibition hauv ib txoj kev tshiab kiag li. Tus mob siab rau botany thiab xwm soj ntsuam, Cov intuitions heev heev thiab kev soj ntsuam rau cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub ntiaj teb cog thiab hais rau lub cev nyob: Ntau lawv uas yuav highlight qhov tob ntawm Leonardo tus xav, Daim ntawv qhia txog cov uas siv kuj rau lub ntiaj teb contemporary.

"No exhibition aims reinterpret Leonardo philosophy thiab kev kawm los ntawm plaub angles: nws tsis pom kev zoo; Txoj kev tshawb no ntawm botany ua ib interconnection ntawm lub complexity ntawm tus nyob; nyeem cov humanities thiab neo Platonic nrog rau cov uas coj los ntawm kev kawm alchemical. Thiab thaum kawg ib tug thiaj tias yuav tau cov nyiaj thiab lub zeem muag tias yav tom ntej: revive tus xav ntawm Leonardo los yog kev puas tsuaj los ntawm 5 centuries ntawm evolution-reductionistic involution. Yuav tsum resume tus xav txog tus ntse heev Tuscan muab yam uas ua rau ib tug tshiab kev cai thiab kev Renaissance", Ntshe cov ciaj uas muag, Ntawm Aboca Ceo.

Vim ib dodecahedron? Rau qhov ancient Greeks thiab cov dodecahedron yog tag nrho cov ntug Neoplatonists Renaissance, Thaum plaub lwm yam tsis tu ncua lub cev uas muaj tuaj hauv kev hais plaub: lub ntiaj teb (hexahedron), huab cua (octahedron), tus dej (icosahedron) thiab hluav taws (tetrahedron).

"Nyob rau hauv no foupective, tus Dodecahedron nruab nrab yog cov kev sib sau ntawm cov tseem thiab qhia broadening peb txo visions tshiab temporal chaw., kev siv tswvyim thiab tswvyim", declares Valentino Mercati, Founder thiab President ntawm Aboca.

Txog cov mulberry (Morus Alba L.), Xwb, suffice nws hais tias nws yog ib tus Leonardo tus hlub cog, uas muaj tuaj nws, ua ib leeg xwb, Nyob rau hauv lub Sala delle Asse ntawm lub Castello Sforzesco hauv Milan restored rau lub ntees ntawm lub tsib puas ib ntawm cov artist tuag. No cog kuaj pom, evocative ntawm tus poj Milanese decoration, echoes Leonardo lub txhab ua ib botanist zoo kawg thiab botanist.

"Tus mulberry ntoo nruab nrab yog cov mysteries ntawm xwm uas, Qhov twg to taub los ntawm tus txiv neej uas hwm thiab txo hwjchim, Lawv yuav tau muab kev pab ntau dua cov artificial tej yam khoom uas tsis tau thiab yuav tsis coexist nrog lub cev nyob lawv. Peb cia siab tias qhov project no yog saum toj noj tag nrho coj ib tug tshiab reflection rau txoj kev sib raug zoo ntawm kev kawm thiab xwm, Tswj particular in favor of health and sustainability", concludes Valentino Mercati

Ua ke, Mulberry thiab Dodecahedron, Yog tus cim ntawm tus exhibition Leonardo Botany. Rau ib tug tshiab kev kawm ntawm daim duab thiab xwm uas yuav tam sim no cov kev tshawb fawb, Cov intuitions thiab kev soj ntsuam ntawm tus Tswv ntawm Vinci. Xwm yog ib qhov chaw uas nws cov qauv yog reflected ntawm theem micro thiab macro cosmos: lub tswvyim ntawm 'tshuab xav' los Leonardo da Vinci yug ntawm no yooj yim assumption uas tus ntse heev Tuscan, ib puas xyoo ua ntej Galileo thiab nqaij npuas kib, tsim los ntawm ib tug tshiab empirical mus kom ze rau txoj kev tshawb no lub ntiaj teb tej. Li no tus soj mauj dab thiab tus hais txog cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm cov niam ntawv ntawm kev kawm, Kev ua lej. Muaj tus cai hais txog 'scientific nug' tam sim thiab kawm.

Thiab cov kev loj hlob ntawm qhov kev tsim muaj lawm entrusted mus Stefano Mancuso, ib lub ntiaj teb ua tub ceev xwm hauv lub tshav pob huam tsav Neurobiology, Fritjof Capra, physicist thiab tshuab theorist, founder thiab thawj coj ntawm lub chaw rau Ecoliteracy Berkeley, California thiab ciaj uas muag Valentino, founder thiab President of Aboca. Cov kev ua kom sib haum yog Valentina Zucchi, Mus. Thiab. Lub tswvyim thiab ntau lawm yog Aboca nrog lub koom haum thiab ua kom sib haum ntawm MUS. Thiab. Tus exhibition yog nce los ntawm lub nroog florence thiab cov Florentine Civic tsev cia puav pheej.

Cecilia Latches
Ntawm 253– Xyoo VI 19/6/2019

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