2 November Remembrance Day of the Dead loved ones

cimitero porte sante 3In Italy it is customary visit to the festival of the dead, the 2 November, and around the time, both before and after, the graves of their loved ones in the various cemeteries, although these are in other regions, practice often facilitated by the so-called bridge of the saints.

In some regions has not changed the tradition of bringing not only the flowers on the graves, but also some sweets, called rolling of the dead.

In the province of Massa Carrara the day is the occasion of the "well of the dead", with whom he originally left a legacy to the extinct family the burden of distributing food to the needy, while those who owned a winery offered everyone a glass of wine.

Here the children were put around his neck a string, a necklace made of boiled chestnuts and apples.

Instead, in the Monte Argentario was the tradition of sewing large pockets on the front of the clothes to orphans, so that everyone could put something on offer, food or money.

There was also the custom of putting shoes on the graves of small children dead because it was believed that on the night of 2 November their souls, this angioletti, to come back among the living.

"The threshold of extreme fear - the Archbishop said Betori in the celebration in the cathedral 2 November 2009 – we propose to face the reality of death, 'From whom no living man' can escape ', as noted by Brother Francis. Living forget it, can be a relief, ma è anche segno di irrimediabile superficialità. Nella morte di Gesù la morte è stata sconfitta per sempre. The Risen, who made death the trophy of his victory, is our guarantee that we can win the drifts that would deform and imprison the human person and his world, and to be open to lease of life as full as our hearts asking us ".

The Archbishop of Florence Cardinal Giuseppe Betori to celebrate hours 15,30 on Saturday 1 November to the cemetery of Mercy Soffiano, mentre domenica 2 November at 18 in Duomo. S

The new Vicar General, Mons. Andrea Bellandi, instead celebrate 1 November at 15 to the municipal cemetery of Trespiano.

At the cemetery of the Pine, a Firenze Sud, Mass will be celebrated at instead 15,30 Sunday 2 November.

Al cimitero di Rifredi sabato 1 novembre alle ore 15.

At the cemetery Brozzi Sunday 2 November at 15.

At the cemetery of the Holy Doors, next to the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte, Sunday 2 November at 16 solemn procession and blessing of the cemetery. All 17 Vespers and Mass at the Basilica.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the dead, the cemeteries will be open from 8 at 17 Also on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 November.

Frank Mariani

By the number 37 – The Year of 29/10/2014