Easter egg there is the Iphone cover flavored

uova 1According Confcommercio year Florentines seem more likely to Easter in originality, at least as regards the surprise in the egg of chocolate.

"We are selling the eggs personalized chocolate – say the pastry Giulia – and just the ability to choose the surprise to make a difference: rings for the luckiest, cover per Iphone, toys ".

uova 2The survey made among the confectioners from Confcommercio Florence shows that this year the eggs from partano 15 EUR for smaller, to get up to 80 euro for the big ones, and with a nice package.

"Our customers are asking us especially the eggs of our production – say the confectioners, according Confcommercio – if indeed the latter cost as last year, those packed, in a year, are the rincarate 10%. Come on 15 to 18 EUR the price of eggs packed. While for those personalized you spend around 20 euro. But there are those who will stop at 18 EUR ".

uova 3"On average we tend to eat an egg only, but good ", say the pastry Giulia, where for now sales are going like last year.

Even the pastry Buscioni working as twelve months ago, here "prices remained the same - say the owners – sell more doves, perhaps because for many Easter eggs refer to large retailers ".

uova 4Do not smile instead pastry Minni, where "for now everything is still: worse than usual. Yet prices have not increased. Probably the last days people will wait for purchases ".

Nicola Nuti

By the number 14 – The Year of 16/04/2014