At Teatrodante Lello Arena in "The Miser" by Moliere

avaro_moliere_lello_arena_foto_13After selling out of the opening with the campigiana Claudia Francini, the Teatrodante Carlo Monni shows tonight, Wednesday 19, il secondo appuntamento della stagione di prosa 2014/2015.

On stage, at 21, an exhilarating Lello Arena will play the protagonist of Moliere's comedy par excellence, “L’Avaro”, directed by Claudio Palma.

In a masterpiece of French playwright, which tells the famous story of Scrooge, stingy old widower whose only purpose in life is to preserve their wealth, weddings unwelcome, alliances, theft, projects nuanced and misunderstandings are at the center of a plot whose dialogues thing of the comedy of all time.

The proposed construction is to Claudio Di Palma, pointing to the very timely and timeless stories narrated in the text, in which the characters from the '600 will cross the ages, until today.

For his part Lello Arena, comedian and actor, spokesman for the former new Neapolitan comedy since the time of the group's Grimace with Massimo Troisi and Enzo Decaro, proceed between jokes and scenes pressing, in a world that becomes intimately corrupt persistent and extraordinary contemporary.

On stage also Fabrizio Vona and Francesco De Trio.

In scena, a universe of animated complottismi, hypocrisy, of social climbing, of fingitori, wasteful, fixers, before which the miser Harpagon will stand almost as a figure-offender confesses, pervaded, instill, by a deep intellectual honesty. Why play Scrooge, fight and will flop, with indomitable fury and disoriented stupidity, masks against the bourgeoisie and against the ghosts of his own psyche.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 40 – The Year of 19/11/2014