Kicking Greens and the Group Donatello pro restoration Baptistery

calcianti verdiRoberto Torrini, President of the Green party, così spiega l’iniziativa del Colore per raccogliere fondi da destinare ai restauri del Battistero di San Giovanni e a un progetto di recupero per la sede dei Verdi: "The Baptistery is the very symbol of our Color, we thought it was important for us to contribute to the restoration of this treasure that is the heritage of all of Florence ".

The initiative, entitled "San Giovanni in the heart", was held Tuesday 9 December in Salone Brunelleschi of the Guelph palace, with the sale, free offer, a folder containing five lithographs dedicated to works made available to as many artists Group Donatello: Giampaolo Beltrame, Monica GIARRE, Alberto Grazzini, Paola Imposimato and Silvia Serafini.

"The proceeds from the fundraiser - said Torrini - will be used in part to finance new projects for our headquarters in Via Ugo Bassi, in part contribute to the restoration of the Baptistery. My hope is that the Florentines understand the importance and want to contribute to this initiative, for which we thank first of all the Group Donatello, with which we often found to work ".

The Group Donatello, founded in 1949 by a group of painters and sculptors who studies near the square, consists of artists of all arts and promotes each year, among other initiatives, the "Show in Piazza", now in its 54th edition, e a dicembre il Premio Donatello a un personaggio che nell’anno si è distinto nello sviluppo artistico e culturale della città.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 44 – The Year of 17/12/2014