Cardinal Betori appointment 5 new Vicari and moved many pastors

CARDINALE GIUSEPPE BETORI ARCIVESCOVO DI FIRENZE foto Franco Mariani (19)Come consuetudine, in early September, Archbishop of Florence announced, during the first fall meeting with priests, new pastoral assignments of priests, to coincide with the new pastoral year.

Nominating very atteste especially after the appointment, by Papa Francesco, Auxiliary Bishop, and Vicar General, Mons. Claudio Maniago, Bishop of Castellaneta, where you will enter next Sunday, 14 September.

In lieu of Maniago as Vicar General, Cardinal Betori decided to appoint Bishop. Andrea Bellandi.

“The bishop, In fact, – said the Archbishop – is not an absolute master of the flock, but, in the government, must find forms of participation and sharing of his ministry. Some are placed on the floor of the council and enlightenment about the decisions that he must take, and canon law, on the basis of the theology of the Church and the Episcopal ministry outlined by the Second Vatican Council, has identified in definite forms: the Council of Priests, the college of consultors, the pastoral council, The Council for Economic Affairs, meetings of the Vicars Forane. These are instances of listening and comparison, of the opinion that, in some cases mandatory, The bishop must use in his ministry”.

“But the same doctrinal and legal sources predict that the bishop should make use, in the case of the vicar general, and do so, in the case of episcopal vicars, of priests who share with him and under him the ordinary power in the government of the diocese, then participate in the full sense of its "munus regendi". This horizon allows you to see the bishop in his ministry, and only less, without detracting from the personal responsibility, open to a share of it”.

These new 5 Episcopal Vicars:

Mons. Fabrizio Porcinai confirmed Episcopal Vicar for Economic Affairs.

Father John Roncari Episcopal Vicar for Clergy.

Mons. Andrea Bellandi Episcopal Vicar for Evangelization and the sector of Worship.

Mons. Giancarlo Corti Episcopal Vicar for social engagement and the service of charity.

Don Wieslaw Olfier Episcopal Vicar function as Moderator of the Curia.

These transfers and appointments that will go into effect in the coming days.

Vicariate of Antella - Ripoli - Impruneta: Don Gianni Castorani will be parochial vicar of S. Maria a Quarto di Ripoli.

Vicariate of Campi Bisenzio: following the transfer of Fr Stefano Pieralli, Don Alessandro Marsili become parochial vicar at S. Andrea in San Donnino e S. Donnino in Campi Bisenzio; in the year of diaconate Gabriele Sickles will serve in the parishes of S. Stefano and the Sacred Heart in Campi Bisenzio.

Vicariate of Empoli - Montelupo: Don Mario Costanzi, hitherto parochial vicar of S. Martino S and the Pontorme. Maria Cortenuova, returns to his diocese of Siena and is replaced by Don Valerio De Vita.

No change was recorded in the Vicariate of Firenzuola.

Vicariate of Mugello Est: after the return home of Don Jaroslaw Zielinski Marcin, parochial vicar of S. John the Baptist to be Vicchio Don Marco Salvadori; Don Gianni Castorani and Don Ivan Capalija leave S. Lorenzo Borgo San Lorenzo is a, where parochial vicar is appointed Fr Pierre Mvubu Babela.

Vicariate of West Mugello: Don Stefano Olives takes the place of Don Leonardo Guerri and Don Simone Pifizzi and will only pastor of the parish of S. Silvestro in Barberino di Mugello, S. Jacopo a buck and S. Michele Montecarelli; pastoral care is transferred from this unit also p. Joseph (John) Vazhuthanapally e, in its place, is appointed parochial vicar Don Marco Paglicci.

Vicariate of Pontefract: Fr Jozef Budzinski is transferred and replaced as parish priest of S. John the Baptist in Remole (alle Sieci) by Don Stefano Pieralli; Don Simone Pestelli, also transferred, is replaced as parish priest of S. Jacopo al Girone by Don Lorenzo Paolino.

Vicariate of Porta alla Croce: to the Sacred Heart in Capodimondo Don Stefano Olives, transferred, is replaced as pastor by Don Simone Pifizzi, which will have as parochial vicar Father Joseph Vazhuthanapally, replacing Don Antonio Gramigni; a S. Maria at Coverciano, in place of the parish priest, Father Aldo Menichetti, will don Leonardo Guerri; Don Renzo Courts, into account the age and state of health, retires as pastor of S. Michele Rovezzano and is replaced by Don Michele Pes; don Antonio Ferrara, in the parish of S. Pietro a Varlungo, will have the cooperation of the Comboni Fathers.

Vicariate of Porta al Prato: Don Silvio Zannelli takes the place of Don Marco Paglicci as parochial vicar at S. Jacopino; Don Renato Barbieri is appointed parochial vicar at S. Maria Peretola; after the appointment of Don Gianluca Bitossi to the Rector of the Seminary, Don Simone Pestelli will be the new pastor of S. Mary Help of Christians in Novoli, and among its employees will also don Tomasz Korszun; in the parish of S. Don Martin in Brozzi Jozef Budzinski replaces Don Luigi Bartoletti, which he was appointed chaplain at the Meyer Paediatric Hospital.

Vicariate of Porta Romana: Parish of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Ship Rovezzano is entrusted to Don Brunetto Fioravanti; a S. Frediano in basket, the parish priest, Father Cristian Noons will have as a collaborator Don John Roy Kanchirathummoottil.

Vicariate of Porta San Frediano: a S. Angel Woodshed goes as parochial vicar Don Simone Nencioni; in the parish of Name of Jesus to the Netherlands will serve as a collaborator Don Alessandro Clemenzia.

Vicariate of Rifredi: following the transfer of Fr Simon Nencioni, parochial vicar of S. Stefano in Pane is appointed Don Antonio Gramigni.

Vicariate of San Casciano - Montespertoli - Tavernelle: in the parish of S. Andrea in Montespertoli will be parochial vicar Fr Maurizio Pieri.

Vicariate of St. John: the parish of SS. Apostles and Biagio is entrusted to the Legionaries of Christ, parish administrator will be p. Lorenzo Curbis and parochial vicar p. Manuel Álvarez Vorrath; the rectory of Saints. Michele e Gaetano is assigned to the Institute of Christ the King and High Priest, with the rector can. Federico Pozza.

Vicariate of Scandicci: Don Brunetto Fioravanti leaves the leadership of the parish of S. Maria in Scandicci, where he was appointed parish priest Fr Aldo Menichetti; among its employees, instead of Don Lorenzo Paolino, Avra donation Jean Denis Nswete Nsalien, which will also parochial administrator of S. Martino alla Palma; new parish priest in the parish of S. Vincenzo a Torri will don Luca Carnasciali.

Vicariate of Sesto Fiorentino - Calenzano: Don Bineesh Mankottil returned home and is replaced by Don Claudio Baldini as parochial vicar at S. Niccolò Calenzano.

Vicariate of Signe: don Davide Mazzoni, hitherto parochial vicar at S. John the Baptist and S. Lorenzo a Signa, goes on a mission in Hungary with the Neocatechumenal Communities, and is replaced by Fr Ivan Capalija.

There is no change in the Vicariate of the Elsa Valley Fiorentina.

Don Alessandro Clemenzia follow as tutor in theological studies the seminarians of our archdiocesan seminary.

Take this opportunity to announce that our Seminar, which already houses during the week seminarians of the Diocese of Pistoia and San Miniato, starting this year will also welcome the seminarians of the Regional Seminary of Siena, that collects the dioceses of the metropolis of Siena: Siena, Grosseto, Massa Marittima-Piombino, Montepulciano-Chiusi-Pienza, Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello.

In the last year these were the shifts of priests in the parishes entrusted to religious institutions:

by the end of October last year, ceased to be a parish priest in S. Trinita the vallombrosano p. Antonio Brogi Germano, I replaced the brother p. Luigi (Gabriele) Consalvi;

at the beginning of November 2013 il p. Rosario M. Sammarco, Franciscan of the Immaculate, has taken the place of p. Serafino M. Lanzetta as pastor of All Saints;

a fine novembre, ever last year, il p. Alfonso Fressola, Dominican, p is replaced. Antonio Cocolicchio as parish administrator of San Marco in Florence;

In the same month the p. Umberto Rufino has ceased his duties as parish administrator of S. Maria Maggiore, and was replaced by brother camillian p. Jean Baptiste Ouedraogo;

lastly, starting this September, p. Edoardo Biotti, guanellian, cease his service as pastor of Corpus Christi to Bandini, replaced by brother p. Antonio De Masi.

Among the men who work as vicars in the parishes of the diocese, these changes:

from mid-September 2013 p. Gianluca Snitch, Salesian, is parochial vicar at Holy Family;

by the end of November 2013 new parochial vicar at S. Maria a Ripa in Empoli is the Carmelite p. Teodosio Martin;

since the beginning of last December parochial vicar at Santa Maria Novella is p. Antonio Idda, Dominican;

Don Pietro Pagotto, Salesian, is parochial vicar at S. Mary Mother of the Church in Torregalli from January 1 this year;

at the Oblates Josephites d'Asti in the parish of S. Giuseppe Art. in Sesto Fiorentino from the end of September this year will be parochial vicar p. Francis Chalon Tenson;

from the same date Don Vincenzo Giannuzzi, Missionaries of the Precious Blood, will be parochial vicar in the parish entrusted this religious institute in Florence;

even from the same date p. Roberto Benamati, of the Friars Minor, will be parochial vicar at St. Francis in Florence.

I greet and thank the priests from other dioceses who worked pastorally among us as "fidei donum" or that we hosted as students and who return to their dioceses of origin.

Among the priests as "fidei donum" have contributed to the pastoral life of our parishes return to their dioceses: Don Mario Costanzi (Archdiocese of Siena, finora a S. Martino a Pontorme); Don Salvatore D'Amicis (Archdiocese of Taranto, finora a S. Vincenzo a Torri); Don Destin MOUEN Ndzorombe (Diocese of Owando, Republic of Congo, finora a S. Maria Fibbiana); Don Paul Nzinga N'Ditu (Diocese of Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo, so far the SS. Pietro and Lucia in Greve).

Having completed their studies have returned or are returned to their home diocese the following foreign priests, whose association have benefited some of our parishes, or pastoral sectors, during their stay at our Theological Faculty: don Edjrosse Antoine Akpagnonite (diocesi in Atakpame, Togo, finora a S. Bartolo Cintoia); Don Valentine Bernard Chilega (Diocese of Morogoro, Tanzania, assistant so far in some clinics in Florence); don Bineesh Mankottill Jose (arcieparchia in Kottayam dei Syro-Malabaresi, India, finora a S. Niccolò Calenzano); don Jean Claude Mvondo (Diocese of Mbalmayo, Cameroon, finora a S. Maria a Quarto di Ripoli); Don Raoul de Dieu Ngamuki Ikuma (diocesi Kikwit, Democratic Republic of Congo, finora a S. Cross Quinto): don Alphonse Onema Ethoyi (Diocese of Mweka, Democratic Republic of Congo, so far to Corpus Christi to Bandini).

Wish you a fruitful experience in our diocese priests foreigners who come among us to pastoral service: for now we have the report of a single priest: Don Antoine Koka N'Ditu (Diocese of Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo).

Here, at last, the priests who, from other countries, will host for their graduate studies and who will come to live in our parish communities: don Antoninus Somi Tantan and don Cyprian Toh Diang (Archdiocese of Bamenda, Cameroon); don Antony Maria Devanesan (Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore, India); don Clement Ndaye Tshimbalanga (arcidiocesi in Kananga, Democratic Republic of Congo).

The destinations of these priests will be defined in the coming weeks, as well as some changes in the assignments of those already among us, and whose agreement is still in place.

Since September 2013 today concluded their ministry on this earth for a meeting with the Heavenly Father Don Cesare Mazzoni, don Dino Falagiani, Oder gift Nannicini, Bishop. Elio Morozzi, Don Constant Bianchi, Don Othello Caponi, Don Bruno Cirano Spalletta, Don Domenico Mennuti, don Benito Caldini, Don Alvaro Guidotti”.

The new priests this year were six: Don Claudio Baldini, don Renato Barbieri, Don Pierre Mvubu Babela, Don Maurizio Pieri, Don Marco Salvadori, Don Silvio Zannelli.

“I conclude - said the Cardinal Betori – thanking those who have received a new pastoral assignment. The needs of the diocese have asked me to detach from people and places dear to them, community in which they lived experiences that have marked their lives. Each transfer involves suffering, for the priests and the faithful. But the government of a diocese must meet many requirements that are connected and we are all called to a dedicated service”.

“Among the shifts of our priests, I like to emphasize those that relate to Don and Don Luigi Fioravanti Brunetto Bartoletti: the realization that advancing age does not make it possible for the government to considerable weight parishes pastoral, however, after a long period of permanence in them, them rightly encouraged to make available the assignments; but, having commendably made available for any pastoral assignment less burdensome, have found new pastoral, dimensioned on their strengths and that has allowed me to cover, until they will be able, some needs of the diocese. They are not the first to do this and I hope that is not the last. I warmly thank them”.

“Express an earnest wish for those who have had a new appointment and ask everyone for their support of the prayer; the hope and prayer also accompany those who continue the ministry in tasks assigned to them at the time. I encourage everyone affectionately, in the certainty of being able to count on your generosity and willingness to pastoral communion with the bishop and with all the presbytery. I renew my deep gratitude”.

Frank Mariani

By the number 30 – The Year of 10/09/2014