With the love of a rabbit

65conigliopedroni"With the love of a rabbit" is a book of 2013 written by James Pedroni, auto pubblicato in versione cartacea su You can print e invece realizzato in e-book con Cavinato Editore International. È disponibile sui migliori store on line e librerie.

Crisis, spread, GDP, Fiscal Compact, tax, toxic assets…il nostro vocabolario negli ultimi anni si è arricchito di nuove parole fredde e scialbe a pronunciarsi, but that led to serious disruptions in our lives. It was once the knowledge of the true power, today the power in itself counts for little, the real powers that be are composed of those who manage the economic flows.

There are a small elite unknown to the multitude who decide the fate of the world economy. The man in the street pays from his own pocket the mistakes of others.

The crisis of 29 it was terrible, but the one we are experiencing today is perhaps even worse and you do not see on the horizon a Frak Delano Roosevelt who can come up with a New Deal.

The economic crisis that began officially in 2008 in America was already biting our country for a long time, e nell’estate del 2011 has become chronic. Una crisi che ha portato sfiducia, depression, fear among Italians as well as close to many businesses and shops. The fear and uncertainty about the future are the portals of bad thoughts as anxiety and sadness. If you can not imagine a future like you can live in the present?

James Pedroni, with his second book, ci racconta gli effetti della crisi sulla pelle delle persone comuni e di come le loro vite sono costrette a subire mutamenti spesso drammatici.

Ambientato in un non precisato paesino della Lombardia all’inizio del 2011, the reader knows Alessandro Sereni, un quasi quarantenne disoccupato all’improvviso dopo 20 anni di lavoro in una storica fabbrica costretta dalla crisi a chiudere. Alexander tries in every way to react and find a new job even modest, but without results. A crisis that also affects a young couple and composed by Stephen Fiorella who live in precarious jobs. Fiorella viene licenziata dall’albergo dove lavorava come cameriera perché i clienti cominciano a mancare. Stefano stesso è “costretto” a lasciare l’Italia, dopo che l’azienda in cui lavora decide di chiudere e di riaprire all’estero.

Two different stories accomunanti the difficulty and despair, and by a rabbit.

The couple has a nice pet rabbit, Given, who loves and takes care as a child. The sudden transfer abroad compels her to lose but Stefano, a malincuore, placing an ad on the web.

Un annuncio provvidenziale per la vita di Alessandro arrivata a un tragico bivio, after the desperation for work and missed a disappointment in love were taking over everything. Alessandro located in Nut, that ribattezzerà "Pallino", the strength to start life anew, discovering love for rabbits. L’arrivo di Pallino porterà Alessandro a cambiare prospettiva di vita e a fare importanti e sorprendenti scelte di vita.

I had already read "A summer life changing" by Pedroni and I can not stress the author's artistic growth. The style has definitely improved, smoother and more direct than in the past. Demonstrates a greater experience in writing and so as to give greater impact to the pace and pathos of the story. Emotions and distributes heat throughout history.

Perhaps it is more interesting and engaging the first part of the story where the author fails to gently tell and describe the face and the effects of the economic crisis in everyday life. The second part, incentrata sul coniglio Dado e su gli effetti benefici che produce sul protagonista, se da una parte trasmette e dimostra la passione dell’autore stesso per questi animali, also giving useful information on how to treat and cure, the other loses momentum and impact, making the action more static and gooey.

The reading is overall pleasant and interesting, riuscendo a creare tra i personaggi e il lettore un buon feeling. "With the love of a rabbit" the author invites us to reflect that despite the difficulties and anguish of this load of problems, you can be happy if you are willing to open their hearts to the love and hope, ancora meglio se anche con gli animali.

Vittorio De Agro

By the number 34 – The Year of 8/10/2014

Author: James Pedroni
Publisher: You can print – Cavinato Publisher (Versione eBook)
Genus: Fiction
Year: 2013
Price: 12 euro (papery) – 6 euro (ebook)