Cooncertiamo: 60 surprise events in shopping malls

CooncertiamoBandabardò, Tiziano Ferro, Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Orchestra della Toscana, Alessandro Benvenuti, Paolo Poli, Sandro Veronesi, are just some of the guests of "Cooncertiamo", the initiative that, between January and February will bring in Malls Unicoop Florence, dozens of artists, singers, writers and cultural institutions.

Events of value and quality, for a proposal for the first time at the national level can lead in commercial activities leading figures from the world of culture and entertainment.

The program "Cooncertiamo" no less than 60 events held during the opening hours of outlets.

Will be involved thirty organizations and cultural institutions.

You can listen, dance, participate and even get discounts.

All this will always be linked to shows and concerts take place in the halls of Tuscany.

L’iniziativa è partita oggi 7 January, con Bandabardò che ha proposto un concerto a Ponte a Greve, mentre gli ospiti attesi nelle prossime settimane sono Alessandro Benvenuti con un’anteprima del suo spettacolo, Paolo Poli will read Artusi, Sandro Veronesi who will present his new book and Tiziano Ferro.

Some works of the Florentine exhibition of Picasso, at last, will come in the stores of Unicoop Florence.

“Abbraccia il Battistero” è invece il nome dell’iniziativa che sarà allestita nei punti icoop Firenze, where members will find information desks at which to make a donation (minimum 5 euro), a sostegno dell’intervento di restauro del Battistero di San Giovanni Battista: Work started in March 2014 and the term is planned for summer this year. La donazione può essere effettuata anche alle casse attraverso i punti della carta socio.

And to thank the shareholders and customers patrons, their name (you will need to grant authorization to the use of personal data), will become part of the register of benefactors will be kept in the Opera and the Opera, which houses centuries of history of city life. The final phase of the general restoration of the Baptistery of Florence was performed seventy years ago, from 1938 al 1944.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 46 - Year II 07/01/2015