Festa Vigili Urbani, Mayor: "You are the voice of the Mayor, I have full confidence and I expect the best "

Polizia Municipale Firenze vigili urbani con sindaco NardellaThe mayor Dario Nardella in the Salone dei Cinquecento in occasion of the celebrations for the 160 years since the founding of the Corps of municipal police, celebrata lo scorso 9 October, he said "160 years is a great achievement for the municipal police, for the City of Florence and for the life of the city. Each alert when speaking with the citizen is the voice and face of the Municipality and the mayor and constitutes the link between the administration and citizens. For this, I have confidence in the work of my staff and I expect the utmost care as well as each of us does the best for this institution and for their city ".
Tra i presenti il neo Comandante Marco Seniga, numerous firefighters and authorities.
"Firefighters Florence - said Nardella – have been shown to take with seriousness and determination that I have given the address of a greater presence and commitment is in contrast to illegal trade, with respect to which we have doubled interventions and seizures, is in contrast to the so-called 'nightlife molesta' through the application of the anti-alcohol ordinances and penalties in many convenience, but also playing a vital support work in traffic management in the areas affected by work on the new lines of the tramway ".
During the ceremony, some numbers have been listed on the activities of municipal police: over 3.500 requests for assistance per month, over 110 per day, 2.375 road accidents are recorded, 421.955 breaches of the Highway Code, 3.762 controls with pre-test alcohol, 395 violations for driving under influence of alcohol, 20 for driving under the use of drugs, 6.728 Students met with road safety education courses.
Nicola Nuti

By the number 35 – The Year of 15/10/2014