Until Sunday the Pergola "The Visitor" with Haber and Boni

111PERGOLAUntil Sunday 1 March to the Pergola will be staged Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni with "The Visitor", a moving, sweet and hilarious play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, translated into 15 languages ​​and represented in more than 25 countries.

A chess game of words and skirmishes between Freud and a stranger, perhaps God himself, on the threshold of World War II.

A comedy cleverly light, that makes you smile asking serious questions, existential, that affect us all up close. Translation, are adapted and directed by Valerio Binasco.

Thursday, 26 February, at 18, Alessandro Haber, Alessio Boni and the Company meet the public. Coordinate Ventrella Riccardo Bartolini and Peter, Director of the Theatre of Florence. Free admission.

Words are important and Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, writer-playwright-screenwriter Franco-Belgian origin naturalized Irish Parisian, whose novels have sold over 10 million copies 50 countries, seems to have hope that when people come together and can speak, maybe, be able to understand each other.

Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni, already together in Art by Yasmina Reza, wonder, comparing and interpreting collide, respectively, Freud and a mysterious visitor, the Father of Psychoanalysis and the Incarnation, who knows, Almighty.

Making its debut in France in 1993 The visitor is merited three Molière Awards (Revelation theatrical, Best author, Best show of private theater).

Since then the play has been translated into 15 languages ​​and represented in more than 25 countries.

"Schmitt is not afraid to bring in theater discussion topics such as religion, history, the meaning of life, eliminating any philosophical emphasis ", ha detto il regista Binasco, "The visitor is a rare comedy for actors, provided they are as Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni, ie capable of sinking completely fragile humanity of their characters and avoid the pitfalls of rhetoric. "

112PERGOLAThe story takes place in April 1938. Austria was recently annexed to the Third Reich, Vienna is occupied by the Nazis and the Jews are persecuted in every corner of the city. In his study in Bergstrasse 19 Sigmund Freud, old and sick from years of throat cancer (in fact die the following year in London), anxiously awaits news of her daughter Anna (Nicoletta Robello Bracciforti), taken away by the Gestapo. A time marked by an agonizing loneliness until the window does not check an unexpected visitor, that right from the start is determined to undertake a discussion high, engaged and challenging. Alessandro Haber takes with infinite variety and human diseases 82-investigator unconscious, in a voice hoarse and faint, a walk in little steps, an aspect of genius jew now almost held in his studio as firm in his convictions.

"I'm an actor who loves the truth", says Haber, "I love acting, rather I try to live fully the role that was entrusted to me. I do not ever save: coming down to the show that I changed voice, step, identity. Be the Freud described by Schmitt overwhelms me and devastated: tried all my life to heal the psyche of man and now suddenly appears before him a bum, that might be God, and that perhaps embodies his own double. "

Indeed, Alessio Boni is induced from Binasco to ignore phlegm dandy conceived for her figure by Schmitt, in favor of a nomadic presence, stateless, thoroughly rough, personification of the Absolute never declared, but several times alluded. Or is it simply a madman who believes God?

"In the original my character enters wearing a tailcoat, the cylinder, the stick and the mantle ", says Boni, "A figure very refined and wealthy, that collides with an aristocrat from intellect as Freud. In our show God becomes the person socially lower, a disadattato, a bum, a crazy ... so there is a transversal: it starts from the bottom up to the highest level represented by Freud, who was a psychoanalyst and had constantly to do with the insane. This choice, in my opinion, is winning: for example, Shakespeare in Hamlet also starts from the bottom - two gravediggers who speak of a skull - and then get to the doubts and the sublime poetry of being or not being. "

Freud believes him, but at the same time does not believe. The rest, God is not willing to give proof of himself like a magician or a magician. Proceed to short dialogues or exchanges axiomatic, The discussion soon leaves room for impressive demonstrations of the foresight of the mysterious guest. The intellect eager to Freud, his distrust atheist, its abhorrence against an entity of the spirit that does not brake evil must deal with love, Tenderness, inner harmony, awareness of God. The two 'fight' till the end.

"God has taken the body of a man, casually dressed well and goes to talk to Freud ", continues Alessio Boni, "This antithesis represented on stage by myself and Alessandro Haber created as a clash between two gladiators, is a prerequisite because it addresses the issue of good and evil, courage and ethics, because you speak, more generally, of the human being. "

A discussion occasionally interrupted by the presence of a Gestapo officer (Alessandro Tedeschi), setting designed with visionary walls by Carlo De Marino, modeled with the costumes of Sandra Cardini, voiced by Arturo Annecchino and lit by Humble Vainieri. Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni play so as to oppose the two opposite faces of life, knowledge and mystery.

"I always try not to disappoint the audience and to engage in things that make sense", The report conclude, "You have to leave the theater with the desire to think. Every show for me is never just a diversion ".

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 53 - Year II 25/02/2015

Federica Vincenti for Goldenart Production presents
Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni in

di Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt;
translation, adaptation, directed by Valerio Binasco;
with Nicoletta Robello Bracciforti and Alessandro Tedeschi;
music by Arturo Annecchino;
scenes of Carlo De Marino;
costumes by Sandra Cardini;
light designer: Humble Vainieri.

€ 32,00 COURTYARD ● € 24,00 STAGES ● € 16,00 GALLERY
Reduced (except Sunday)
€ 28,00 COURTYARD ● € 20,00 STAGE ● € 14,00 GALLERY
€ 20,00 COURTYARD ● € 16,00 STAGE ● € 12,00 GALLERY
MEMBERS UNICOOP FLORENCE (Tuesday and Wednesday)
€ 25,00 COURTYARD ● € 18,00 STAGES ● € 13,00 GALLERY

The Teatro della Pergola, 055.0763333
Time: Monday to Saturday from 9.30 at 18.30.
Online su www.teatrodellapergola.com
and through the App of the Teatro della Pergola.
Circuit regionale Boxoffice.