Christmas greetings to the city's Mayor Nardella

Il Sindaco di Firenze Dario Nardella ha iniziato il suo discorso per gli auguri natalizi alla città citando il dialogo tra due operai costruttori della cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, called to a company that seems to go beyond their strength, narrated by the Florentine poet Mario Luzi in his work 'Opus Florentinum'.

The traditional ceremony was held in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio.

"Then as now Florence is crossed by construction sites, works ambitious expectations for years – said Sindaco-: The new airport, the tram, the new stadium, major infrastructure linking our city to the rest of Italy. Then as now we have workers who work or maybe they are looking. Then as now Florence wonders if it ever will achieve these works and then as now not get lost energy and strength that belong to each of us to achieve the goals ".

"In the work of Luzi find the emotion and concern for a city that is transformed and that is called to conquer new goals – has continuato – and the incredible combination of great challenges and ambitious projects almost unattainable, that last years, e che alla fine questa città riesce sempre a realizzare”.

In occasione della cerimonia degli auguri, the Hall was decorated with a large Christmas tree made up of plants poinsettias red.

Also present Alessandro Berti, Honorary Consul of Denmark and Dean of the Consular Corps, e il Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina.

"This Christmas should bring us back to the substance of a behavior of gratitude to our city – added the Mayor -. Siamo chiamati in ogni momento della giornata a restituire a Firenze qualcosa dell’immensità che la nostra città ci dà. Ognuno di noi è chiamato a restituire qualcosa a quell’immenso patrimonio di valori, History, culture of the generations that preceded us have left in custody in each of us ".

“Rivolgo a tutta la città un sincero e caloroso augurio di Natale – concluded Nardella – because we can continue to bring up the name of Florence and its values, his eye and the light which illuminates the world ".

Frank Mariani

By the number 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014

Camera and Photos Franco Mariani

Le Madonne Fiorentine - foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (3)


















Salone (2)











Albero Natale di Palazzo Vecchio (4)