"My Jesus" the 14 November Obihall with Beppe data and Leonardo Pieraccioni

ilmiogesuIt's sold out for "My Jesus", the new musical work by Beppe data organized by Lions and Leo Club Florence Michelangelo Project and Unitalsi Villa Lorenzi, with the participation of Leonardo Pieraccioni.

Have already been delivered or booked all invitations to attend the latest musical work written by one of the most prolific Italian composers which will be staged in Florence Obihall Friday 14 novembre alle ore 21.

A masterpiece of music and words of Jesus and the history of Palestine from 60 a.C. until the resurrection in an inner intimate and personal. Beppe Dati - who calls himself "non-believer but always looking for something" - tries to highlight in the life of Jesus of Nazareth with the human element that still make its message a valuable reference to those, motivated by "good will", are in search of Truth.

Directed by Pier Paolo Pacini and arrangements by Lorenzo Piscopo, along with a large group of actors and singers as well as a chorus of 20 elements, There will also be Leonardo Pieraccioni: the well-known actor has decided to accede to this extraordinary piece of music after hearing it premiered by his friend Beppe Dati. Pieraccioni dell'Obihall back on stage to sing and play one of the songs, "Christmas in the air".

The event is organized by the Lions Club Florence Michelangelo (President Lorenzo Signorini) , leading to the Leo Club (President Geneva Jockeys) sponsored by the City of Florence for a purpose beneficial: raise funds for the Unitalsi Tuscany organizes journeys of hope and faith in Marian shrines and the Project for Villa Lorenzi non-profit organization that supports young people against distress and addiction.

The characters on stage interpret the figures of the Gospels in a "human", presenting Mary as the mother in joy and sorrow, Joseph fight for a child who feels very much his own, Jesus in his message of love against violence. Then there are the figures of Pilate, Erode, John, Judah, Magdalene, e l'Angelo Gabriele Satana, each interpreted in words and notes in a humane and deeply moving.

"Initially, the comparison with 'Jesus Christ Superstar' Rice-Webber seemed an insurmountable mountain - says Beppe Dati - but the support of two very dear and stubborn friends who have always encouraged (Leonardo Pieraccioni and Julian Maffei, President of the Stella Maris Foundation) swept away the doubts and clouds. The new idea is a kind of gospel singing, or if we are small by modern musical whose plot the story of Jesus, told in the first person by the protagonists of the story that they lived. Given the absence of a time of great values ​​that we're living for years, with a precipitate relativism into nihilism, This project can help many people to find a way to go. 'My Jesus' is so my small contribution to the rediscovery of our essence ".

"Ten days after the event - says Lorenzo Signorini, President of the Lions Club Florence Michelangelo - we had to suspend the distribution of events. But there's still so many requests. So we opened a "waiting list" ilmiogesu@libero.it the email so you can tell if it was free somewhere. It is a great satisfaction for us: thanks to Beppe Data, Leonardo Pieraccioni, the exceptional cast, to the director and to our member Paul Net, in addition to the staff, we can create a marvelous work and support with our service two associations that we hold dear, Villa Lorenzi and Unitalsi ".

"This is a very good initiative that the City has given willingly patronage - said the president of the council Catherine Biti - an event that combines the beautiful music and the show to two very important for the city of Florence as Unitalsi and Project Villa Lorenzi. A thank you goes, as well as the author Beppe Dati, to all those who have made it possible, Lions Club sponsors. The attention that the show has attracted shows that in our city the theme of solidarity and aid for the most vulnerable is a very sensitive, as the full dell'Obi Hall testifies to the reality ".

"From the 1903 - Says Robert Torelli, President Unitalsi Tuscany - our association seeks to achieve all that 'creativity in charity' can not imagine: in practice the desire to be able to offer even to those who physically is considered the world today 'disadvantaged' normal life. Our activities are organized with the help of volunteers, in addition to offering their time, also contribute to the economic livelihood of the association by paying to be able to carry out their service to the next. We are very grateful to the Lions Club for thinking all'Unitalsi Michelangelo Florence Tuscany as the recipient of the collection that will be with 'My Jesus' Beppe Data: because money raised will help support our demanding all these activities ".

"The service linked to this musical work - said Zaira Accounts, president and founder of Project Villa Lorenzi - will go to support the many activities of our association for over 25 years dealing with educational interventions on youth and adolescent distress in terms of both prevention and recovery. We organize meetings and group work in the schools and conferences and in-depth discussions on parenting issues and involving young people in today's society. We also offer assistance with day care center with workshops aimed at children and young people to overcome hardship related to psychosocial deprivation or economic problems or addiction. They are present in the structure is not less than 80 children and young people and offer their expertise 140 volunteers ".

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 39 – The Year of 12/11/2014

"My Jesus"
Musical work by the master Giuseppe Beppe Data
Teatro Obihall, 14 November, hours 21

Directed by Pier Paolo Pacini
Arrangements by Lorenzo Piscopo
Scenografie video Maurizio Baldini Mailab
Audio Service is luci "Imagine"
Graphics Richard Lazzeri

Interpreters: Monica Bauco, Edoardo Berlincioni, Mattia Braghero, Pierpaolo Buggiani, Marilena Catapano, Matteo Germani, Blessed Giuggioli, Alessio Mattolini, Thomas Merlini, Elena Nencetti, Nicholas Pecci, Yasser Ramadan, Frederick Sagona, Maximum Tarducci With the participation of the choir "Unconditional Love" conducted by Fabrizio Berni and children.

And with Leonardo Pieraccioni who will play "Christmas in the air".

cell. 348/40.57.317 – email: ilmiogesu@libero.it
Site: http://www.lionsfirenzemichelangelo.it/
tel.055/23.98.015 – email toscana@unitalsi.it