The mission of Nardella and Razzanelli in China

misssione-cina-3Opening of the first seat of the Sino Italian Design Exchange Center in Shanghai for business in Florence, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to promote joint activities of the City and the University of Tongji and facilitating the implementation of the campus in Florence and presentation opportunities in processing real estate in Florence: are some of the findings of the mission in China, the mayor Dario Nardella, who traveled to the city of Nanjing, linked to Florence by the twinning agreement which was signed in 1980 by the mayor Elio Gabbuggiani, Ningbo, Friendly City by 2008, e Shanghai.

The results of the mission, established with the aim of strengthening relations between Florence and the three Chinese cities, were presented today at a press conference by Mayor. Also present were the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Leonardo Bassilichi and Mario Razzanelli, appointed by the mayor to support the cultural and economic relations with China, who participated in the mission.

"This first major international mission there served to sow much, but also to begin to pick up some fruit from the relationships built over the years with the city of Ningbo, Nanchino e Shanghai – the mayor said Nardella -. Among the various practical results are the opening in Shanghai incubator for small businesses that want to enter the market Florentine Chinese: for the moment there are eight businesses housed but the goal is to bring 15 in short time. In addition to, by the middle of next year, is scheduled to open property with 10 thousand square meters dedicated to Made in Florence and the Made in Italy ".

"People used to say that China was selling Made in China to Italy and Italians brought money and investments in China – continued the Mayor -: we are working to reverse this principle. After the meeting between the Prime Minister Renzi and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the relationship between these two great countries are changing and Florence, with Tuscany, it is inserted in this logic ".

"Today, there are already many Chinese investments that are coming in Italy, in Florence – added Nardella -, while we are called to bring their products and know-how in China and sell the Made in Italy and Made in Florence ".

Speaking of goals for the future mayor Nardella said that "the Chinese are five missions in Florence 2015, there have already been announced to present investment opportunities in our area, which means economic resources, jobs and the opportunity to make the arrangements Real Estate in Florence which is currently unused ".

"At last – continued the Mayor – the opportunity for a tour of the Maggio Musicale in 2016 in the three Chinese cities visit, and to bring art in China for the Chinese tourism to promote high-level spending in our city ".

"We have already registered a 15% more in the first half of this year on the Chinese tourism – concluded the Mayor – aim for the next few years to exceed the average of the 25%, not a hit and run tourism, disposable but tourists who spend money and also have a cultural sensitivity ".

"I ask entrepreneurs to gear up to sell the Made in Italy and Made in Florence, of which there is a great desire, without doing some ugly figures of the past – said Leonardo Bassilichi -. What is new is that this time the Italian system this time it worked ".

"Italian Government, Tuscany Region and the City have created a virtuous cycle in China, useful for business. Now our job must be to not waste what has been done – added -. So I ask policy and institutions to continue, is the right way, the method used by the US, Germany and France to successfully export their business model ".

"The mission of China has made touch of luxury to enjoy what our country and our culture in China – said Mario Razzanelli -. The delegation worked hard and entrepreneurs and the various subjects we encountered love our city. The Chinese people need to connect with their modern culture, with our culture ".

The objectives of the institutional mission of China, which saw City, Region of Tuscany, Chamber of Commerce and University system do, There are eleven:

1) SINO ITALIAN DESIGN EXCHANGE CENTER (Talent development and directing opportunities): the inauguration of the first seat of the Sino Italian Design Exchange Center in Shanghai, for business in Florence (8 member companies in the network. Objective least 15 by the end of the year. 400 square meters in the heart of Shanghai, within the creative industry platform Unesco / City of Shanghai). The second phase involves the construction of a house in Florence for the settlement in the heart of Shanghai's emerging brands, Florentine design, Culture and Crafts.

2) TONGJI UNIVERSITY (Florence was the capital of higher education overall): opening of the exhibition of Italian architects in China; signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to promote joint activities of the City and the University of Tongji and facilitating the implementation of the campus in Florence; involvement of Florence in partnership with Tongji University for the enhancement of the cultural heritage of the province of Di Cinq.

3) ATTRACT INVESTMENT (Business meeting nelle tre città): three seminars for attracting investments in the three stages of the journey: Nankeen, Shanghai Ningbo E; meeting with the Greenland Group and Fosun Group (opportunity to Florence as a more attractive environment for international investment); focus on high-tech, culture, creative industries and higher education opportunities for transformation and presentation of real estate in Florence.

4) Fiorentini INVESTMENT IN CHINA (promotion of Made in Florence) Countdown al Florentia Village, on the outskirts of Shanghai, which will open the 22 January 2015; signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between CCCIA and Liaoning EWG Investment and organizing an event to present the project of the Port of Ningbo.

5) VILLA STROZZI (the villa as a magnet for Chinese missions Expo 2015): Villa Strozzi become a hub for the flow of Chinese entrepreneurs and creative people visiting Expo 2015; enhancement of the role of Villa Strozzi to maximize and governing delegations will go to Florence from Milan; first delegation of more than 200 Chinese businessmen waiting at the inauguration of the Expo 2015.

6) CULTURE (the Chinese passion for Italian culture): in 2016 tour of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in China; project under construction (completion of the spring 2015) ‘the Brand Heritage Showcase’ accanto al Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Shanghai ‘The Powerhouse of Art’, former thermal power plant transformed into a fascinating museum; identification of areas for cultural productions Florence to Shanghai; prepared and presented a memorandum of strategic partnership with the Art Institution Yingkle Co., Ltd , subject leaders in the arts in China, to create a common platform for the development of relations and exchanges between artists and works of art between Italy and China, able, inter alia, to promote the exchange of exhibitions and Exibitions.

7) ITALIAN ART IN CHINA (l’arte fiorentina a Shangai): The city of Florence is offered as a key hub of Italian culture for the Chinese; feasibility study on the feasibility of a permanent museum of Florentine art in Shanghai.

8) CASA ITALIA A NINGBO (the new exhibition hall entrusted Italian in Florence): strengthened the pact friendly city with Ningbo, started in 2008. The Mayor of Ningbo offered in Florence, the availability of coordinating the work of the design and construction of the pavilion dedicated to Italy in the new exhibition center of the city.

9) NEW CITY AND METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (together to enhance entrepreneurship in Florence): City and Chamber of Commerce will hold during the 2015 a mission with the Florentine companies in China; the metropolitan city will involve excellence and to undertake projects such as projects on Leonardo, pottery, wine, to food quality, fashionable, enhancing the excellence of local.

10) LA PIRA AND THE FIRST SISTER WITH A CHINESE CITY (2015, 35 years of twinning Florence-Nanjing): manifested by the two governments will develop a program of activities to celebrate the thirty-fifth of the twinning. The City of Florence promotes the project of some Florentine entrepreneurs and cultural figures of Nanjing aimed at creating a cultural center up Italian in Nanjing.

11) PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF FLORENCE AND THE OPPORTUNITY 'INVESTMENT IN THE CITY' THROUGH THE MEDIA CHINESE: why journalists have followed the various initiatives of the Mayor Nardella. The mayor was interviewed by the Director of Ningbo Daily (newspaper that sells 1 million copies); television group TV News Channel (which comprises 6 local TV stations), National news agency Xinhua; by state television CCTV, the financial newspaper China Files and broadcaster Agency Xinhua.

The mission, organized in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and funded largely by the Tuscany Region with funds provided by the EU, is part of the project 'Investing Tuscany' Tuscany Region and Promotion, which provides international events attracting investments and offers localization. To the City's mission has cost less than 2 mila euro.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 38 – The Year of 05/11/2014












































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