The clothes do not make the monk, but the Cardinal is

cardinali 5Will Be 19 the brand new red dresses, tailoring-fresh, that parade the 22 February at the Vatican for the consistory.

For the Roman ecclesiastice tailors, called the "Santari", the consistory is always a tour de force, since they have little more than a month to achieve them.

The most renowned tailoring, in all there are about a dozen, is one of the Gammarelli, historical brand, from 1798.

They are for the Conclave prepare white dress in three sizes for the new Pope.

cardinale abito anticoThe Red of Cardinals technically called red ponsò, and there is on the market, It is only from these tailors.

The socks are an exclusive Gammarelli.

Same thing for bishops violet, who is the Roman paonazzo.

Even the Cardinals Florentines have always served at the famous Roman fashion, at least until the Cardinal Antonelli, that was the first Archbishop of Florence not to resort to Roman tailors, deciding to rely entirely on ecclesiastical tailoring fiorentina Ceruti, via del Proconsolo, Gianni and Cinzia.

Betori was also entrusted to the reliable hands of Florentine tailoring Ceruti.

ABITO-PIANO-CARDINALE-sartoria-ecclesiastica-Cerruti-Firenze-After the desired reform by Paul VI today a full of Cardinals, technically called "Choral" dress, that all red purple, It consists of a red wool cassock with buttons end up at the foot, a red silk sash at waist, with fringe, of a spool-white cotton coat with three-quarter sleeves and knee-long, generally decorated with lace and embroidery, a red mozzetta worn above the spool, closed front from 12 buttons, a pair of Red Socks purple, a red gold cord to be worn around the neck to hold the gold cross, with a bow on the back, one red skullcap, a red biretta at the four corners and three cloves.

Generally each cardinal 2 outfits in her wardrobe.

Variable cost between 2-3 thousand euro to dress.

Another mandatory accessory is a mitre of white damask silk, until Pope Francis with a pine cone ornament, for use in the concelebration was with the Pope. Now, however, Bergoglio has made designing easier.

Other required dress is to "plan", for everyday, composed of a black cassock with a sewn neck and Pilgrim open front, the whole thing with buttons, buttonholes and profiles in purple, Gold or silver cross, governed by simple chain.

Even this each cardinal has more than one, You must add at least the habit of "missionary", where the habit is all white with the same trim floor dress, and that is used when you visit African countries.

The two suits you around 2 thousand euros.

cappa-magna-cardinaleTwo optional accessories: Saturn Hat, adorned with lace and bows, and Fareed, a purple cloak around that you put over the cassock, of silk, very large that cover the entire rear, with a large collar cut loin.

Some Cardinals have taken to wearing the cappa magna, with Ruby queue, long until 12 m.

Among the Vatican's most famous stories relating to new Cardinals and one on the Abbot Antonio Rosmini philosopher.

In the summer of 1848 Pius IX promised him that would make Cardinal, inviting them to prepare in advance the necessary accompanying. Rosmini costs 40 thousand shields, just that the Roman Republic did escape the Pope at Gaeta, and the appointment made.

However Rosmini was able to recoup expenses, by reselling it to a neoporporato at the first Consistory useful.

Frank Mariani

By the number 1 – The Year of 15/01/2014
