The Historical Archive of the City

archivio storico firenzeThe Historical Archive of the City of Florence preserves, as core, all documents produced and received by the local Florentine from its origins to today.

"A documentary heritage immense - underlines the President of the Culture and Sport Maria Federica Giuliani - who photographs and tells us about our city. A place that the Florentines should rediscover ".

The Community was founded in Florence 1781, with the edict 20 November, is part of the reform of Commons Toscani by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold, while until then the judiciary of the state also took care of the administration of the city directly: from that moment Florence had an administration of its own.

The birth of the City is so contained in the edict preserved Historical Archive of the City of Florence, and here documents the entire history of our city to this day through the Napoleonic occupation, reconstitution of the Grand Duchy, the annexation of Tuscany to the Kingdom of Sardinia 1859 and the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy with the assumption by the Florence of the role of capital from 1865, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary.

The archive is a valuable cabinet restoration where are cared small but very important interventions material held from the Archives.

Today the strength is the digitization.

A work built with foresight by municipal staff since the 80s.

Since then it has provided the computerization of the documentary heritage, divided into two databases: Archifirenze and Archidis.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 49 - Year II 28/01/2015