The art created by the blind at the Gallery of Carriages with “The senses of the art”

imageArriving in Florence, until 14 December, in the Gallery of Carriages of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the international exhibition of contemporary art 'The senses of the art', which will be inaugurated today, 3 December, at 16 the presence of the President of the Province Andrea Barden.

Trentadue artisti non vedenti e ipovedenti provenienti da sei diversi Paesi -Italia, Slovenia, Estonia, Great Britain, Israel, Finland – that animate the show with their sculptures, their paintings, reliefs and installations.

Do not miss the video and even photographs taken by those, from birth, has never been able to appreciate a view or a work of art.

The exhibition is organized by the blind Italian in Florence with the cultural association Art @ lter.

The idea of ​​a traveling exhibition was born in Massa Marittima in 2010, where the headquarters of the cultural association, then passed to Grosseto and Ancona.

In Florence, the path ends two-year initiative that, given its success, will be repeated with another call to artists with disabilities.

"The exhibition - has affermaro the President of’ Quatraro Blind Union - is an ancient dream that takes shape: to create beautiful things even without being able to see with the eyes. Florence is the cradle of visual arts, but even the blind can do an aesthetic experience through hands 'who see' ".

"This is a show that turns prospects - looks Soprana - Usually the blind are considered simple users of art. Instead we have them motivated to produce works. And then we made the audience appreciate. You will be astonished in front of their works 'visual'. There is a young artist, blind from birth, he photographs with great sensitivity through vibrations and sensory perceptions that the vast majority of people, in a society where the prevailing visual communication, now uses very little ".

In "The senses of the art" the works of those who does not see - one of the authors Lisa Calanca, Salvatore De Stefano, Janka Kus and Steve Rebus - a dialogue with those of sighted artists who have been able to create objects suitable for use tactile. Among them are Gian Paolo Bonesini, Angela Casagrande, Sergio De Carli, Fausto Gervasi, Alex Pergher and Massimo Pelagagge.

In the same vein are located multisensory works created by students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and some classic paintings translated into 3D to be read with the fingers, that have been made by the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 42 – The Year of 03/12/2014