Lorenzo Bonechi: waiting contemplative

bonechiTO 20 years after his death, the City Council of Figline Valdarno and Engraved recalls one of his best artists: Lorenzo Bonechi (1955-1994), loved painter and sculptor, featured in numerous solo and group works with the best artists of, returns to his country of origin for a preview of the national.

“Lorenzo Bonechi. L’attesa contemplativa” dall’8 novembre al 18 January 2015 exhibit in Figline in the Praetorian Palace and Old Oratory Hospital Serristori about 25 works between tables, drawings and sculptures on sacred subjects the author.

Un’iniziativa a carattere nazionale organizzata e curata dalla Fondazione Ernesto Balducci con la collaborazione del Comune, the Fondazione Giovanni Pratesi and with the support of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Reggello.

Bonechi felt a strong spiritual connection with Father Ernesto Balducci (which marks the 70 th anniversary of priesthood) which in 1989 had written a beautiful essay on an exhibition of the Valdarno in Cascia di Reggello.

At the exhibition of Figline followed by other important exhibitions of works by Bonechi in various parts of Italy: will be exhibited in the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino (5 December to January 18th), Milano the Diocesan Museum (Winter-Spring 2014 2015), in Florence at the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi (from 22 novembre al 28 December 2015).

Of the Scientific Committee that guides this series of events are part of Andrea Cecconi, President of the Foundation Balducci, Lucia Fiaschi, Director of Museum and Archives Venturino Venturi, Antonio Natali, Director of the Uffizi Gallery, Giovanni Pratesi, President of the Fondazione Giovanni Pratesi, Vittorio Sgarbi, Councillor for Culture of the City of Urbino.

Many artist names, critical, personality of the civil and religious institutions which are part of the board of honor of the event in the name of Lorenzo Bonechi.

In addition to, for the exhibition of Figline, the 22 November, si svolgerà un convegno alla Sala consiliare del Comune di Figline e Incisa Valdarno con i saluti del sindaco Giulia Mugnai e del presidente della Fondazione Balducci, Andrea Cecconi. The reports will be handled by Moreno Bucci, Roberto Barni, Giuseppe Billi, Giovanna Uzzani, Manuel Muñoz and Carles Marco. Other speakers will include Charles Bertocci, Adolfo Natalini, Fabio and Tiberius Cattelani, Bonatti and Julius James Ginanneschi. Presiede Lucia Fiaschi.

"It was Father Balducci - said Foundation President Ernesto Balducci, Professor Andrea Cecconi - to define the art of Bonechi a contemplative celebration of waiting. In this expectation would be for Balducci hidden secrets of the future, a future that would have to transcend the current situation from the perspective of a new, different appearance from humanity as possible but still uncertain. Moreover, the representations of the 'heavenly city' represented by Bonechi anything else except the hope expressed in a different, possible mode of coexistence among men? A concept, past and present, very relevant in the hope of a new form of global comunitas, peaceful and non-violent, Father Balducci evoked by the metaphor of '' planetary man ", namely, that man would have to live for their own belongings in a global communion of faith ".

"For the government this is an honor to inaugurate our first cultural season with an artist who had a bond so strong and so filled with the places in which he lived", in addition the mayor Julia Millers and the Councillor for Culture Matthias Chiosi, which continues: "Lorenzo Bonechi house had not only a city but a whole territory, through which continues to make us reflect on the meaning of the material and the spiritual life, but also on the relationship between man and the land. Twenty years after his death and in the year of the birth of the new City of Figline Valdarno and Engraved, We are so very honored to host the works that tell our community, that there are identity ".

The exhibition and conference are part of the initiatives of Autumnia 2014 the City of Figline Valdarno and Engraved.

The catalog is published by the Fondazione Ernesto Balducci

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 38 – The Year of 05/11/2014