In Addition 3200 enrolled in the initiative that enhances the Nativity

capannucce in cittàAccessions still rave for 12 th edition of Capannucce in city, the event that rewards all children and young people who make or help to make at home, in parish or school to the crib, true meaning of Christmas (pictured the awards last year).

In Addition 3200 children (some inscriptions are also coming in these hours) have already accepted the invitation of the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori that, in a letter addressed to them, invites them to return to the center of the festivities where "you learn to love yourself, to take care of each other, to open up to the next. Let us remember, however, also of the many families who suffer from quarrels and divisions, the lack of work or a house, of families who face the pain of the disease. In families, today, then there are few children, too few. We hope that Christmas, bringing joy and hope in families, ports even greater confidence in the future and a greater willingness to accept with enthusiasm the life that is born ".

Subscribers will all be rewarded by the Cardinal with a gift made especially for the participants of Capannucce in cities by the company Agape Campi Bisenzio family Mannocci.

Is on wooden support attracted the Nativity by Andrea Della Robbia glazed terracotta (1479) preserved in the Basilica of the Shrine of Verna, image that was given to us by the Franciscan friars and Friar Marco.

The prize giving ceremony will be the 5 January at 16 the church of San Gaetano (Via Tornabuoni / square Antinori).

Besides the many parishes, The Committee, chaired by Paolo Blasi with Secretary Mario Razzanelli recorded increased participation by schools, most of which public, some coming from outside the Florence area. Many other traders and artisans that even in these hours are sending pictures of the windows in which they made the crib.

Have also been reported of people, Children and adults, who will receive a special mention for their particular love for the crib.

During the award ceremony there will be a performance of the children of the Piccolo Coro Melograno with carols.

The event is funded by the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and is organized in collaboration with Toscanaoggi.

Information and registration:;; 338/7593538

Nicola Nuti

By the number 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014