Prefect and Mayor change the nightlife in Florence

varratta e nardellaTuesday 9 September was signed in Prefecture, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the Memorandum of Understanding "Pact for the night" that defines a set of rules because the movida Florentine can be managed and lived in the full life of society.

They signed the agreement, the Prefect Luigi Varratta, the mayor Dario Nardella, the President of the District 1 Maurizio Sguanci, Andrea Angelini for Confcommercio, Daniele Locchi for Confesercenti, Marco Becattini for C.N.A., Alessandro Vittorio Sorani for Confartigianato and Paras Gogia to the Committee of the Centre Shops.

“Il patto arriva dopo mesi di dialogo – ha spiegato il Prefetto Varratta – c’è stata una forte collaborazione e ringrazio tutti per il grande sforzo messo in campo. The protocol is experimental, test it for a few weeks, then see if you will need to make changes. But I am confident. It 'a unique initiative of its kind that sees the assumption of responsibility by all signatories to ensure better living. We do it for Florence, for those who administers, for those who live and work there and for young people who have fun in a conscious way ".

The pact aims at two main objectives: the protection of national dignity, to be shared between all the actors of the social fabric through their synergy, e la prevenzione degli abusi di alcolici.

The protocol is based on a model of "shared security" which is accomplished with the constant dialogue between institutions, economic operators and citizens' committees in order to improve the livability of the city center.

I punti principali riguardano tutte quelle misure e iniziative per contenere la vendita delle bevande alcoliche, protect the public peace and private, prevent the occupation of public spaces and the hindrance of the road, ensure cleanliness and decorum of the areas adjacent to the local.

Territorial scope of the Covenant: the center of the city has been divided into 5 aree in base alla presenza dei locali e allo svolgimento della vita notturna. TO: a more central macro-, B: mercato San Lorenzo- Independence Square, C: borgo San Frediano, D: Holy Spirit, AND: San Niccolò – piazza Poggi – lungarno Serristori.

Alcohol: prevenire for abuse, operators undertake not to make special offers or promotional sales of alcoholic beverages and to practice lower prices in order to encourage the consumption of analcoolici. The administration of soft drinks and spirits will take place inside the premises or "in appliances legitimized on public land" (outside) and operators will need to work outside because the patrons do not create discomfort with their behavior. In addition, the owners of the premises will be able to provide customers the alcohol-test encouraging its use, especially among younger customers. They will also display a sign with the logo of the protocol to inform the customers that participate in this initiative and advertise the service to "chill out" which is performed in the center nocturnal UAN. (Urban After Night) at the Center opened in Java via Fiesole.

Hours, music and noise: premises close at 2 at night every day of the week, while the so-called "mini" undertake to lower the shutter to 24. Sound and noise should not be audible outside of the 23 and the closing time. For which operators must ensure compliance with these bands soundproofing their environments and making use of the service workers control.

Insiders control services: the signers of the Covenant undertake to adopt in a partnership, starting from 23, of these professionals, recorded in the register prefectural, that to be clearly identified wearing bibs bearing the logo of the Covenant. The staff will monitor customers, even outside the room, to avoid noises, screams, gatherings, abandonment of waste, in generale gli atteggiamenti non rispettosi della quiete pubblica. They will also be equipped with two-way radios to communicate from room to room thus providing a more effective. In case of necessity may require the intervention of the police.

Monitoring of the Covenant: a table coordinated by the Prefect, which will be part of the underwriters of the, verify the situation as it progresses, also to make any adjustments in the course of work.

Al patto, which will expire on 31 next October, can join other parties.

Meanwhile, the Prefect has secured more controls in the Holy Spirit, which will be extended in the form suitable for Sant'Ambrogio and Santa Croce where there are two stationary police patrols.

A Santo Spirito saranno operative due squadre di vigili urbani, as was decided at the last meeting of the provincial committee for order and public safety chaired by the Prefect Lugi Varratta, with the participation, as well as the provincial leaders of the Police Force, del Sindaco Dario Nardella e dell’Assessore Giovanni Bettarini accompagnato dal Comandante della Polizia Municipale.

Although the Committee has talked about nightlife in Florence with particular regard to the situation which has developed in recent weeks in Piazza Santo Spirito, characterized in particular by mis-selling of drinks, musica a tutto volume e difficoltà a pulire con gli idranti il sagrato della chiesa perché invaso da gente fino a tarda notte.

A picture that has pushed Varratta to calibrate a new intervention in the area to restore the living conditions that characterized the square until August, aumentando la presenza dei vigili urbani su Santo Spirito, with two patrols fixed by 22 at 4 at night, on Thursdays, Friday and Saturday (from Thursday 4 September).

Da parte sua anche il Sindaco Dario Nardella ha dato, nella riunione della Giunta svoltasi anch’essa il 9 September, una stretta alla vendita e somministrazione degli alcolici in città, passing a resolution on the adjustment of tariffs for violations of municipal regulations on sale, administration and advertising of alcohol and indicating the guidelines relating to the limitation of the hours of sale and service of alcoholic beverages.

The decision will be enforceable after the mayor will sign in the coming days two orders, which will come into force on 19 September together with the 'Pact for the night': an administrative (on the adjustment of sanctions) and a contingibile and urgent (prohibitions relating to detention for, sale, administration and advertising of alcohol consumption).

"We are not at all for the Prohibition but everything has a limit, and has a limit of common sense – said the Mayor -. We are the first to defend freedom in the fun, but we do not want those who abuse the consumption of alcoholic beverages, creating situations resulting from disturbance and degradation, prevent citizens to enjoy the historic center, with its squares and streets, even at night. Allo stesso tempo non vogliamo che venga limitato il diritto dei residenti al riposo e alla quiete, compromising overall urban security ". "We can not attend to the phenomena of alcohol abuse – added -, and especially in a business that grows and enriches parasitic on the public health of our community and our young people. Our goal is to limit the phenomena of alcohol abuse. We have the responsibility to regulate and control – has continuato – and that's what we'll do, thanks to regional and national trade laws that allow us to do so ".

"In recent years we have witnessed a veritable proliferation of convenience that open, especially at night with the excuse to sell food when in fact they only sell alcohol and spirits or almost exclusively – said Nardella -, entering in this way in the center a quantity of alcohol and spirits that leads to an error ".

"It is our intention to combat alcohol abuse and protect the life
Public – concluded the Mayor – e in questo senso abbiamo deciso di contrastare anche le cosiddette pubblicità promozionali, and those made by the places that offer drinks at reduced cost, that the student discount and the worrying phenomenon of 'alcohol-tour': There are real estate agents that lead young people, often foreign, around the premises of the center, offering alcoholic beverages at affordable prices and that we can not tolerate ".

Otto i punti previsti dalla delibera: ban on the sale and supply of alcohol and any other beverage in glass containers by 22 at 6 in the historical heritage of UNESCO and the Parco delle Cascine; prohibition of possession of alcohol in excess of personal use in the Parco delle Cascine; the prohibition on promotion / organization 'alcohol-tour'; a ban on the sale of alcohol in any container from 22 at 6 in the historical heritage of UNESCO and the Parco delle Cascine (penalties provided after the entry into force of the ordinance of the Mayor: lots of 1.000 euro and suspension of); ban on the feeding of alcohol by 2 at 6 in the same area (penalties provided: also in this case fine 1.000 euro and suspension of); ban on advertising alcohol (penalty provided for in the event of a breach of the Regulations which prohibits the advertising of alcohol: lots of 400 euro in the face of a fine that was so far from 25 to 50 euro); ban on the feeding of alcohol in participants 'alcohol-tour' (penalties provided: lots of 1.000 euro and suspension of) and obligation to clean the area in front of the local (penalty provided: lots of 400 euro).

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 30 – The Year of 10/09/2014