Valentine'S Day: for 3 toscane su 4 la cena ideale è di pesce, in casa e con il partner come chef

san valentinoSan Valentino è passato, ma come è stato celebrato/festeggiato dalle donne: lume di candela, Italian bubbles, and the table prepared fish products from their partner; è questa, almeno nell’immaginario di tre toscane su quattro, the romantic dinner for excellence, fotografata da Federcoopesca-Confcooperative in un sondaggio condotto per San Valentino.

For her, the should be tasty and light menu, without completely giving up the sweet.

Per lui, a most important meal but quick to prepare, it would take away time to love.

The choices of the men in the kitchen reward tartare and filleted products for starters, bivalve molluscs, mussels and clams, but also clams and cockles, great for a first course, followed by a fish to cook in the oven.

Women aim of seafood, ideal for risotto, and shellfish, for sophisticated appetizers. I lean fish to cook steamed, as sole or sea bream, They are considered a second best.

As for the budget, men and women agree, for a home-cooked meal DIY spending for two should be around 30 euro.

To save money and get more of freshness guarantees, suggests Federcoopesca, The basic rule is to respect seasonality; then the green light in February for corn, hake, sardina, mackerel, sole, bass.

And for a "friend" menu of love, not only the classic oysters or shellfish inevitable, that iodine and zinc are a true natural aphrodisiac. Cupid's arrow could render the stroke of the very Italian anchovy.

“Il pesce azzurro – sottolinea l’Associazione – contiene, In fact, acidi grassi omega 3 che fluidificano il sangue, aumentandone il flusso in tutto il corpo”.

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 147 – Anno IV del 15/2/2017