"A Special Day" Scola to Laudi

Locandita Giornata Particolare 2015The Teatro Le Laudi Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February houses the Theatre Company to crank with a moving theatrical readjustment of "A Special Day", Ettore Scola, Ruggero Maccari and Maurizio Costanzo.

All in a day, on a day between nightmare and solemnity: we are in Rome, the 6 may 1938 Delivery is in history as the date of the official meeting between Mussolini and Hitler to sanction the axis nazifascist.

In this time frame only very clear and meet the loneliness of Antonietta, mother of five and wife of a small fascist, and Gabriele, radio speaker kicked issuer status because of his homosexuality.

While everyone in the parade in honor of Hitler the two will be known in their condo desert and succeed within a few hours to change the existence of each other in a profound and indelible.

"A Special Day" is a text immortal, a drama that explores in depth the souls of the two protagonists. Conformity and transgression, reflection and impulse, seduction and despair paint a complete picture and seductive, one last dream before the frenzy of World War II.

La Compagnia Teatro a Manovella riadatta per il teatro questo grande classico del cinema lasciando il testo praticamente intatto. Is placed carefully on the details, silences, on breaks, on everyday actions that reveal a force incredible scenic and make the show at times moving, thanks to the fine acting of the two actors.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 50 - Year II 04/02/2015

Directed by Massimo Ali
with Giulia Cavallini and Leonardo Venturi
Ticket prices 18 euro.
Reduced over 60, students under 24, CRAL members, Members of the Free Age University 13 euro.
Reduced groups 10 people 10 euro.
Info and reservations: info@teatrolelaudi.it or 055 572831