Viaggio teatrale alla scoperta dell’Istituto Geografico Militare

Istituto Geografico MilitareViaggio teatrale all’interno dell’Istituto Geografico Militare, one of the great scientific and technological excellence of our country, which it is located in a historic building on Via Cesare Battisti in Florence, between the University and the Convent of SS. Annunziata.

La Compagnia delle Seggiole presenta “Cards that have made history, theatrical journey through the Military Geographic Institute” che si terrà domenica 25 September, Sunday 23 October, Sunday 27 November.

Marcello Lazzerini, regia di Sabrina Tinalli, costumi di Giancarlo Mancini realizzati da Pino Crescente, assistant director Andrea Fossi, con Marcello Allegrini, Fabio Baronti, Luca Cartocci, Massimo Manconi, Andrea Nucci

It is a journey in space and time, during which the visitor will encounter, in via del tutto eccezionale, unimaginable characters who belong to the religious history, culturale, scientific of the city and the world. Personalities who have changed the course of history and offered to the world the best picture and the most human of our people and the great beauty of our country.

We'll find out who they are during the historic dive, the Institute itself and the Society of Chairs (text by Marcello Lazzerini) They have decided to carry out in the centuries-old building life, He wanted in the '400 by Nicolo da Uzzano and, in time, underwent various uses, while retaining part of the large and valuable collection of books and cartographic on the world as it was before Columbus.

But not only a trip back in time, but also in the contemporary world, whose foundations were laid from 1865, when the Institute was transferred (and then tenaciously defended) from Turin to Florence, on the occasion of the transfer of capital in our city.

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 124 – Anno III del 7/9/2016

Info e prenotazioni dalle ore 14 to n: 333 2284784
Tickets: Whole 15 euro – Ridotto 12 euro