12 October Sunday in Florence with changing of the guard at the Palazzo Vecchio

domenica del fiorentinoThe 12 October sees the Sunday of Fiorentino which coincides with the National Day of Families at the Museum, promossa da Kids Art Tourism.
The day of free admission to museums for civic born and / or resident in Florence and then presents a program that pays particular attention to family audiences.
Besides the usual proposals visit for adults in Palazzo Vecchio, Santa Maria Novella, Bardini Museum and Museum of the twentieth century are then provided, thanks to the support of Giotto-Row, activities for families with children of all ages in various museum spaces of the city, aimed at promoting – thanks to the theater, the manual, the story, interaction – experience participatory and 'child-friendly'.
There were also, come consuetudine, the Free guided tours al Museum of Mercy in Piazza Duomo (at 15.15 and to 16.30 reservation, telefonando a number 055-239393).
It is also noted the changing of the guard at the Palazzo Vecchio: the exchange is done by a procession of armed football historian who depart from the Guelph palace each 45 minutes to leave 2 men guarding the main gates of the Palazzo Vecchio with the following schedule: from hours 9.30 at 13.
Please note that for all tours and activities reservation is mandatory, as well as access to the Tower of Arnolfo (inputs in each half-hour time 10/17, last access to 16.30) and the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine (inputs every thirty minutes in time 13.15/16.45, last access to 16.15).
Upon booking, you can reserve one visit or activities during the day for a maximum of 5 people.
Without reservation is the only access to the Civic Museums of Florence, free for all those born and / or resident in Florence and province: it is sufficient to show the card 'UnbacioneaFirenze' or identity document to enter for free and without any reservation in Palazzo Vecchio (time 9/23), Santa Maria Novella (time 13/17), Museo Stefano Bardini (time 11/17), Fondazione Salvatore Romano (time 10/16), Novecento Museum (time 10/20).
The ticket office closes one hour before closing time.
The program is made possible thanks to the support of Giotto - Fila.

Information and reservations
055-2768224, 055-2768558
Monday to Saturday 9.30-13 and 14 -17
inactive service on Sunday morning
info@muse.comune.fi.it www.musefirenze.it

These visits organized, con orari, duration and age ranges recommended:


Traces of Florence. Palazzo Vecchio tells the city
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 10
lifespan: 50’

The visit will help you understand the architectural and urban development of the city of Florence during the centuries, retracing the key stages thanks to exceptional testimonials: among these are the keys to the gates medieval urban, View of the monumental Chain, the eighteenth-century engravings by Giuseppe Zocchi, the paintings of Augusto Marranos or projects Giuseppe Poggi. An imaginary "trip to Florence" that goes up to the contemporary, with attention to the temporary exhibition going on the wagon of St. John the Baptist: by Pontormo to Capezzuoli.

Visit to the Palace
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 10.30, 14.30, 15.30
lifespan: 1h15’

Palazzo Vecchio is the heart of Florence, symbol of the city's history. A story that begins in the 1299, when it comes to house the rulers of medieval Florence, and who knows a golden age when the Medici family takes up residence transforming it into a real palace. The visit allows us to understand how architectures, minor arts, sculptures and paintings involve the creation of a unique rich and complex that it has become, laminated and renovated over the centuries.

Secret paths
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 10, 10.30, 12, 14, 15, 16
lifespan: 1h15’

The proposal allows you to visit some environments particularly valuable: among these the stairs made at the behest of Walter of Brienne and formed in the thickness of the wall; the Studiolo of Francesco I de 'Medici, refined treasure chest "of things rare and precious", and the Writing of his father Cosimo I (better known as Tesoretto); Finally, the massive truss structure supporting the coffered ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento.

Visit the ancient Roman theater
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 12, 12.45
lifespan: 30’

Palazzo Vecchio has its foundations on the ruins of the Roman theater of Florentia. Probably built leaning southwest corner of the city walls of the Roman city, the theater was built towards the end of the first century BC. and expanded in the age of Hadrian, when the city was the subject of a significant investment by the Empire. The visit allows you to read the stratigraphy of the archaeological excavations and to evoke the spirit of the shows that i loved so much Florentini cives.

Led by Giorgio Vasari
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 16.30
lifespan: 1h15’

In 1555 Giorgio Vasari, painter, architect and writer Arezzo – author of The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, sculptors and architects – becomes the site manager of the Palazzo Vecchio and makes a huge amount of work to transform the building into a magnificent Renaissance palace. In dialogue with the boys Giorgio Vasari describes the lines of the cultural policy of the Duke Cosimo I de 'Medici, absolute client interventions, and expertise of the Medici factory in achieving, in tempi record, the new ducal residence.

Court life
target: for families with children from 4 to 7 years
times: 11.30
lifespan: 1h15’

Today Palazzo Vecchio is a museum, but in the sixteenth century was the residence of the Duke Cosimo I de Medici, his wife Eleonora de Toledo and their eleven children. Walking through the halls of the museum, visitors can not only admire the splendor of the palace but also imagine the sumptuous banquet in the Great Hall and gardens, flowering terraces, as. Finally you can wear cloaks and zimarrine, shoes and hats sixteenth or dabble in some games princes.

In bottega, dipingere in fresco
target: for families with children from 8 to 12 years
times: 11.30
lifespan: 1h15’

"Of all the other ways that the little face painters, the paint on the wall and&769.

Florence, my city
target: for families with children from 8 to 12 years
times: 15
lifespan: 1h15’

Every year millions of tourists travel deal for continental land in Florence, visitarne i Musei, percorrerne the streets and admire the palaces, glimpses and views. The city&768.

To make a city it takes a flower
target: for families with children from 4 to 7 years
times: 10
lifespan: 1h

Florence owes its name to the origin that would have had the Roman colony of Florentia, based on a bustling stretch flourished along the river Arno. It is not easy to determine whether they are historical or mythical truth, as it is not easy to define what is the flower that symbolizes the city of his birth: a lily, and iris, an iris? The story takes place between the flowers to bring children to reclaim the symbol of the city, but saw very little observed, and understand how Florence is just like a flower, to cherish and keep with care.

Little stories of Color. Red
target: for families with children from 4 to 7 years
times: 16.30
lifespan: 1h

The Red and&768; will start a theme in some of the rooms of the palace where the Reds – variations in their – flock numerous.


Visit the museum
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 14.00
lifespan: 1h15’

In the museum you can feel the passion that animated the connoisseur and antiquarian Stefano Bardini acquire in the course of his life so large a quantity of works of art. The tour allows you to discover its extraordinary collection, great works - including Charity by Tino di Camaino or the Madonna of Cordai Donatello - the precious testimony of the minor arts such as caissons, majolica, carpets, weaponry, bronzes.

Little stories of Color. Blu
target: for families with children from 4 to 7 years
times: 15.30
lifespan: 1h

The color blue is among the most popular of modern Western civilization, but it was not so in the early centuries after Christ, when the Blue (with the exception of Egyptian civilization) was not even considered a true color. After tracing characters and symbols of the Blue over the centuries - from lapis lazuli at the ford, dall'indaco Prussian blue - and have started the concept of blue as the color of the celestial world, activity leads to the discovery of the stories of that great book that is heaven, where the constellations were first translated into myths by poets and artists then in pictures. The Atlas is a reference work of Guercino, legendary titan who made the world and the celestial sphere.


Visit the Santa Maria Novella
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 14
lifespan: 1h15’

The visits accompany the public understanding of an extraordinary document of the history of the Dominican order, but also a crucial chapter in the city of Florence. In this sense, particular attention will be devoted to the history of the order, whose characters are subject to all the vicissitudes of theological and artistic architecture of the convent, but also the active participation of citizens, which has always supported the life of the complex thanks to bequests, commissions and patronage, involving the major artists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: among them Giotto, Masaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi, Paolo Uccello, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Filippino Lippi.

The discovery of Santa Maria Novella
target: for families with children from 6 to 10 years
times: 15.30
lifespan: 1h15’

The complex of Santa Maria Novella is an opportunity to imagine and rebuild their lives, rules, l &768; Then you can relive the hard way the passage of time in the convent – prayer in the great church, translated into visual form in the great works of Giotto, Masaccio, Brunelleschi of Ghirlandaio; the common meal in the refectory; the meeting in the Chapter; studying in the library, the silence in the cloister; the treatment and care in the infirmary; the rest in the dorms – coming to appreciate the historic significance and artistic complex.


Voices of the time
target: for families with children from 8 to 12 years
times: 11.30
lifespan: 1h

What does it mean to be deprived of his time, their own places and their own freedom&768; of life imprisonment. In the second part of the course, participants will be personally involved in the creation of audio recordings on the topics covered during the course.

MUSEUM Novecento

Visit the Museum
target: for all, As low dai 10 years
times: 10, 11.30, 12, 15
lifespan: 1h15’

The visits allow you to go back over the twentieth century by identifying the movements, poetics and artists that have marked the decades. From the Venice Biennale 1988, as a first recognition of young Florentines De Lorenzo, Guaita and Catelani, the path recreates the tensions and ideals of the seventies and sixties - with great works such as Superarchitettura of Archizoom and Adolfo Natalini or Plurimo of Emilio Vedova - to then enter in the middle years of the twentieth century, richly represented thanks to donations from major artists and collectors (among them Alberto Della Ragione, within the collection where masterpieces by De Chirico, Sironi, Casorati, Depero, Morandi, Martini) and reach up to the dawn of the century, animated by the first impulses of the international avant-garde.

Time Machine
target: for families with children from 8 to 12 years
times: 10.30
lifespan: 1h15’

The path looks like a "time travel" that starts with the world today for the first years of the twentieth century investigating languages, techniques and principles of the arts of the twentieth century: from the most recent contemporary installations to scenery copyright of the Maggio Musicale, from the musical experiments to Futurist paintings, avant-garde design with the most famous paintings, children will be involved in a journey of discovery of the many art forms of the twentieth century. The encounter with the great artists of the century - among them Emilio Vedova, Lucio Fontana, Bruno Munari, Giorgio De Chirico, Fortunato Depero - and their works will be in this sense an opportunity for personal reflection that will allow the children to take home a very special "collection" of his own experience.

Opera art totale
target: for families with children from 4 to 7 years
times: 16.30
lifespan: 1h15’

The route allows younger children to get closer to the arts of the twentieth century with a look transversal, participatory and inclusive. The tour focuses on some selected works, such as the installation continues by Paolo Masi, the colorful architecture of Superstudio, the painting of gestures and colors of Emilio Vedova, their sculptures di Martini, the high-fashion style of Picts and musical experiments of Grossi and Chiari, that will be an opportunity for a multi-sensory encounter with the arts. In the second part of the activity the children, divided into small groups, set to work to shape a "total work of art", bringing together their collective experience intertwining different artistic languages.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 34 – The Year of 8/10/2014