Leonard Bundu meets students Florentine

11 boxerNext Friday, 21 November, Leonard Bundu performs 40 years and three weeks later, the 13 December, to Las Vegas, contend the world title of the interim WBA Welterweight boxer Keith Thurman USA.

Tomorrow Bundu celebrate his birthday at the school IPSCT Sassetti- Peruzzi di Novoli dove la storia del campione europeo dei Pesi Welter diventerà “materia di studio” per i ragazzi dell’IPSCT.

All 12 il campione europeo e del Commonwealth nella categoria Pesi Welter incontrerà un centinaio di studenti nell’ambito dell’iniziativa promossa dall’Accademia Pugilistica Fiorentina in collaborazione con Nove da Firenze.

L’evento, "You can do, life histories of the sample Leonard Bundu ", proporrà la storia del pugile sierraleonese, but naturalized Florentine, as an example of courage, sportsmanship and successful integration.

The project is supported by the Council of the Region of Tuscany and provides, besides meeting at school, a meeting of amateur boxing that will take place Sunday 23 November, Leonard Bundu spectator of honor.

All'IPSCT Sassetti Peruzzi-boxing champion will be accompanied by Maestro Alessandro Boncinelli, by representatives del'A.P.F., and the director of nine from Florence, Nicholas Novelli.

During the meeting at school, After the presentation by the Headmaster, Prof. Barbara Degl'Innocenti, will be shown some pictures of the recent match Leonard Bundu.

The sample answer students' questions and, at the end, ai ragazzi sarà distribuita una copia della pubblicazione scritta appositamente dal giornalista Massimo Capitani e illustrata da Luca Andreozzi.

The meeting of amateur boxing next Sunday will be held at 17 the Gym "L. Casini "Via Pian del Mugnone n. 1/Fiesole.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 40 – The Year of 19/11/2014