Full of holes big Tricolore Square Station

grande-bandiera-italiana-bucata-in-piazza-stazionePossible that none of the State Railways, that should be the owner, We have noticed that the great Italian flag hoisted on the flagpole Square Station is within a few days of the great and vistosissimi holes?

Think of the big laughs that make the tourists who are visiting Florence - abroad have a more profound and dignified culture of their own national flag unlike us Italians that we take out of the drawer just for the World Cup and only until when Italy wins, otherwise, even in that occasion ... – and out of the station or passing by that square, see the Tricolor, the "visiting card" of our nation full of holes.

It is not that those holes were made during the Liberation War 1944 o peggio ancora sul fronte della Prima Guerra Mondiale – il che allora avrebbe anche un senso - no, holes are recent and are now flashy.

Lo denuncia con forza il Presidente dell’Associazione Firenze Promuove Franco Mariani che – se nessuno se lo dovesse ricordare – nel 2001 he made a real campaign in the newspapers citizens denouncing the disappearance of the largest Italian flag from the flagpole of Station Square, that had been made to disappear by the Italian Railways during construction of underground parking.

By becoming a private entity Railways took the decision not to expose more, Decision on which they returned over after the complaint-reporting of Florence Promotes.

"Hand flag faded because of long exposure to the sun and pollution - the President Franco Mariani – but certainly we can not keep quiet for the flag with big holes. Leaves of Italian décor. That the institutions and politicians intervene immediately, that the Railways immediately acquire a new flag, and if possible even greater.

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 124 – Anno III del 7/9/2016

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