The Mayor's first speech to the new City Council Nardella

The Mayor's first speech to the new City Council Nardella, formed by 36 Councillors, who took office Monday 16 June 2014.

Frank Mariani shooting.

By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014

The following is the full text of the first speech in the City Council the Mayor Dario Nardella:

First of all I would like to thank the judicial authorities, central electoral office, election to the office of the City, for the care and skill with which they have carried out the operations and have completed the task of certifying the results of the consultations on Sunday 25 may. A vote in very, deeply felt by our community, which saw almost 200 thousand Florentines expression and coincided with the vote for the renewal of the European Parliament, a coincidence that we have not dropped but that in the election campaign we tried to exploit all because there are many connections between the local reality of Florence and the international scenario. Just in a period that is the genesis of Italy's presidency of the European Union.

Upon assumption of office of the mayor with the oath of the Italian Constitution today would like to extend greetings to all my predecessors by Gaetano Pieraccini until Matteo Renzi, I express my gratitude and that of the city to the passion with which he ruled. I also express gratitude to the Florentines and tell them, beyond any rhetoric, that my goal is to be the mayor of all Florentines, the mayor of my community, con umiltà, courage, generosity and ambition. I would like to lead this city to come together and to the Council taking care of the citizens, because the Mayor is the first citizen responsibility for, but for the last privileges. If the Florentines have entrusted to me and the majority of the 60% of the votes, this is a very clear message of confidence but also a message that we invest a great responsibility. It is not only a positive opinion on what we have done, but also an endowment of energy and consent to perform well and better than before the work that awaits us in the coming years. Today we are custodians of this majority with a capital of trust that is not obvious and that we can not disperse, because it is so broad consensus that broad is the awareness of our citizens that the passage that lives in Florence, like all Itali,a is really tight: it is as if the Florentines had raised a strong voice for those who are ready to give confidence to those who are committed to change the city, but that is no longer willing to wait. What for us is a great opportunity is also a great responsibility. I hope I can cultivate this trust capital by growing with the action of our administration. Along with all of you. And I turn to you first councilor and councilors meanwhile congratulate you for your election and wish of doing a good job at Catherine Biti, Donella Green and Giampiero Gallo. In this action the government will not consider the forces as enemies of minority prejudicially hostile to our work, but as a resource manager who can help grow our city even in the difference in roles.

This Assembly, these benches, have seen important people that I want to remember today because I learned a lot from them: Paolo Barile, witness the great man of liberal culture, great constitutionalist, passionate citizen of Florence, Antonio Paolucci, now director of a major cultural institution, Giorgio Bonsanti, all men who have made it big this Assembly. I remembered some of the personality that I have known, and among them let me remind Manuel Auzzi, who is no longer with us, a man of great heart, policy clarity and generosity.

If the authority of the opposition stems from its ability to contribute to the choices, not only to perform a control function, it is equally true that the strength of a majority is the ability to reject the logic of self-, of self or of the overpowering force of numbers, which could easily be dragged after the success, but I for one am committed to dismiss. That must be why my concern to engage in a continuous dialogue between the political forces of this assembly and to do so even with my physical presence and not just media. The logic of power as a noun does not belong to me: I have always believed and continue to believe in the logic of power as a verb, because we want to be able to change, improve, convince, Florence and serve our city. We are not here to control, we are here to serve Florence and the Florentines. Listen and decide they are two sides of the same coin, them is a can not live without the other because it would turn into limit: why I think that the administration has an obligation to hear and decide, but listen without deciding is impotence, and decide without listening is bullying.

Giorgio La Pira, Mayor saint, in this hall addressed the meeting of the Board when a very critical moment when his commitment to the homeless had taken the chrism of a mission. 'Signori - these- you have against me just right, to deny me the confidence, but you have no right to tell me Mr. Mayor is not interested creatures without work, homeless, without assistance '. With these words once again demonstrated the passion and dedication that then would characterize many mayors of this city, like Mario Fabiani, dead 40 years ago, great man who gave himself wholly for the Liberation and the values ​​are the values ​​of Florence. Florence is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Liberation, I really hope to see you all on August 11, because it will be an unforgettable day, a season remember the day that we have not experienced that, but delivery to us historical responsibilities.

And the memory of that Fabiani said Piero Bargellini in the year of the flood: with its serene wisdom and his political acumen and administrative oversaw the reconstruction of Florence and its rearrangement. It's true, Fabiani as La Pira, as other great mayors have been shown to look at Florence glancing at the top, beyond the boundaries of the town itself. I hope to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors best. Behind us, a time of great transformation of the city, I think of the work on the structural and urban planning, the new model of social relations, cultural, industry that in recent years we have been able to assert. I think the commitment on the internationalization.

Through these years of working Florence broke the balance of a fossilized system of power that even he could not interpret a deep desire for redemption and change coming from citizens and businesses. A change that other cities have not been able to grasp with the same rapidity, the same vision and the same courage.

Therefore, opens a new cycle for us that we have to go and my intention and this came with the determination of those who want to improve on what has been done so far and to those who want to continue this process of change difficult, hard that he can not stop and can not make us go back. This will not happen in our intentions and our actions: this is the task that was assigned to us in the vote of the 25 last May and it is in this spirit that I have appointed assessors with the idea of ​​giving life to a solid team, simple, driven by the enthusiasm and desire to serve the city by improving it in every aspect, responding to the expectations of the Florentines.

I have not made a keynote speech, but I must refrain from setting ambitious goals to be achieved in the next five years: I think of the metropolitan city established by the abolition of the Provinces. We will be on the Council and the council who will lead one of the most exciting ever inaugurated institutional processes in recent decades.

I do not think the metro cities like in a chemistry lab institutional, I would, together with the citizens, think of the metropolitan city as a community project starting from the extraordinary values ​​that we have available: a very large area with more than 700 thousand inhabitants, which represents half of the workforce across the region, cha has a gross domestic product of more than 30 billion Euros per year. One area where we can find the answers to the emergence of the drama of the work, putting more and more in connection with the sphere of work and employment with those of the school and vocational training. This will be our obsession: give opportunity to work in an area more conducive, more open, ready to implement the projects and investments and a relationship seamlessly with the formation, school, the formation of our ruling classes.

I think of the work and allow me to extend a warm greeting and concrete closeness of rhetoric and not to the workers of Seves, they got from the little layoffs. If it were not for the commitment and attention of this city, of all the institutions, three days ago, these workers would be fired on the spot today and would not speak more than one company that you can still save, but we do not have much time ahead of us.

We need to capitalize on the determination that has enabled us in the past to resolve difficult cases as much as, eg, Richard Ginori who now lives a new season, a new adventure positive investment. But not only are these issues that we have before because we have to reach out to employees of the public administration and especially those who did not have a job, those who can not even use the tools of union representation to protect a salary because they do not have it. We are convinced that a policy to defend the work contains within it all the other battles, and that every other battle, also that wage, as is right, however, smaller than the larger and more general battle for the job.

We have an emergency public works and here I am referring to the many goals that are before us: the tram or infrastructure-related businesses and the mobility of citizens. We have work to do on the incessant urban transformation of the city, many abandoned buildings that expect to have a new destination. I do not want to call Containers, but places. Containers give me the idea of ​​a sterile city, neutral, without color. Points, instead, I suggest to public places, places of life, working, productivity and is the cultural and economic sense and the mission that is contained in the development plan that the City Council with great prominence in the coming months will be expected to discuss and approve. And we have the social emergency: is part of the house with the agenda 2014 which we will discuss in the bargain next Friday. And then we also have an agenda of international meetings exciting and challenging, the work of the Committee of the celebrations of the 150 years Florence was the capital and the work carried out by Eugenio Giani, I think the Pope's visit and many other events.

There is plenty of things to do, as we do not miss the challenges on culture and urban security, two proxies that I wanted to keep because they are convinced that a livable city through the culture can also give an answer to the issue of liveability and social security of citizens. We have to put in this field projects and our expertise, our passion and dedication to work at the institutional level more difficult than it is in our country because there is nothing more complicated and difficult than working in a municipality. The gratification that we are first of all the rewards of our citizens and we know because we have won the confidence speaking, listening and looking into the eyes of the women he men of Florence, but understanding the love that the Florentines have for their city, Now it's up to us to demonstrate this love and transforming love that our community has for Florence into concrete action and responsible, in results, ambitious goals that we reach not for our own personal gratification, but we want to achieve for the desire to respond to the great desire for love and pride that the Florentines have to Florence.