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Prefetto celebra la Giornata delle Forze Armate

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Prefect celebrates Armed Forces Day

Si è celebrata martedì scorso la ricorrenza del 4 November "Day of National Unity, Armed Forces and Decorated ". The ceremonies were held in the streets of the Italian Unification with the commemoration of the Fallen, the flag-raising ceremony in solemn form and the intervention of the prefect Louis Varratta recalled that "the historical connection, institutional, sociale e culturale fra le nostre donne […]

La Madonna delle Grazie, “dal Ponte al Lungarno”

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Our Lady of Grace, "Bridge the Lungarno"

The 21 May the Oratory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, on the Lungarno Diaz 6, recalled the 140th anniversary of the translation of the fresco of the Madonna delle Grazie, the chapel was originally placed on deck Rubaconte, Today Ponte alle Grazie, up to the present oratory, built inside one of the buildings of the Alberti family. Gli Alberti offrirono generosamente questo spazio […]

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