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Fino a domenica alla Pergola “Il visitatore” con Haber e Boni

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Until Sunday the Pergola "The Visitor" with Haber and Boni

Until Sunday 1 March to the Pergola will be staged Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni with "The Visitor", a moving, sweet and hilarious play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, translated into 15 languages ​​and represented in more than 25 countries. A chess game of words and skirmishes between Freud and a stranger, perhaps God himself, […]

Alla Pergola il Mercante di Venezia con Silvio Orlando

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Pergola at the Merchant of Venice with Silvio Orlando

After the success of Romeo and Juliet, production Teatro Eliseo 2011, Riccardo Scamarcio and Deniz Ozdogan, was born a new company, the Popular Shakespeare Kompany, which had its official baptism with the play "The Tempest", within the Shakespeare Festival in Verona 2012. La compagnia si impegna ogni anno a mettere […]