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Il disco della palla del Duomo in piazza

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The puck of the ball of the Duomo piazza

A circle of white marble stands out on the dark stone floor between Piazza Duomo and Piazza delle Bullets. The position, and the coloroe, attract the attention and curiosity of passers-by. The circle is to indicate the exact point at which the 27 January 1601 fell the large copper ball placed on the dome of Brunelleschi. A […]

Il pezzo della Cupola del duomo rimasto incompiuto

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The piece of the dome of the Cathedral remained unfinished

Closely watching from outside the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, You may notice that the finishing of the drum on which it rests has never been completed. It is an arched gallery that exists only on the side towards via dell'oriuolo and via del Proconsolo, to stop then abruptly leaving the discovery […]

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