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Cavalieri 2: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 2: Investiture of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Cavalieri 1: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 1: Investiture of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Cerimonia di Investitura Cavalieri e Dame Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Photo gallery investiture Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence in the basilica of Santa Maria Novella dala Lieutenancy for Italy Central Apennines, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

RIFICOLONA 17: Discorso Cardinale Betori

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RIFICOLONA 17: Speech Cardinal Betori

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Cardinale Betori nomina 5 nuovi Vicari e trasferisce numerosi parroci

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Cardinal Betori appointment 5 new Vicari and moved many pastors

Come consuetudine, in early September, Archbishop of Florence announced, during the first fall meeting with priests, new pastoral assignments of priests, to coincide with the new pastoral year. Nominating very atteste especially after the appointment, by Papa Francesco, Auxiliary Bishop, and Vicar General, Mons. Claudio Maniago, Bishop of Castellaneta, […]

I video della Rificolona 2014

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The video of the Rificolona 2014

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Foto gallery Festa Rificolona 2014

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Photo gallery Feast Rificolona 2014

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

I fiorentini riscoprono il pellegrinaggio a piedi: domenica 7 settembre Impruneta-Firenze

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The Florentines are rediscovering the pilgrimage on foot: Sunday 7 September-Impruneta Florence

The Florentines, the more time passes, more rediscover the pilgrimage on foot. In fact it is already in its fourth edition, the Marian Pilgrimage, by 14 km to walk, by Marian Basilica of Impruneta to the Marian Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence; will be held on 7 September, day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A pilgrimage that […]

Papa Francesco trasferisce il Vescovo Maniago a nuova diocesi

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Papa Francesco moved to the new diocese, the Bishop Maniago

Pope Francis has transferred the Auxiliary Bishop of Florence, Mons. Claudio Maniago to another location, appointing him as the new Bishop of the Diocese of Castellaneta. The Diocese of Castellaneta was founded at the end of the eleventh century, is located in Puglia, covers approximately a thousand square kilometers, and counting 123.330 population divided into 35 parishes. And 'suffragan of Taranto. Since […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 32/32

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Patron San Giovanni Festival ceremonies – video 32/32

In occasione della festa 2014 di San Giovanni Battista, Patrono di Firenze, le telecamere del settimanale fiorentino La Terrazza di Michelangelo, hanno seguito le principali cerimonie civili e religiose per raccontare ai fiorentini quello che è stato fatto per omaggiare il loro Santo Patrono. Alla sera spettacolo pirotecnico offerto dalla Società San Giovanni Battista. Riprese […]