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Alla scoperta della Firenze di Arnolfo

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Discovering Florence by Arnolfo

You are curious to find out how it was Florence between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the expansion of the city wall, of the great basilicas, Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo della Signoria whose form still remains shrouded in mystery? Or know what political forces marked the Florence of that time, What economic energies the […]

Torna l’oro sulle Porte del Paradiso

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Back the gold on the doors of paradise

The restoration Opificio delle Pietre dure in Florence of the North Door of the baptistery of Florence by Lorenzo Ghiberti, going after 600 years after its construction, is getting exceptional results, beyond all expectations. Under the dirt and the surface deposits of centuries has resurfaced the splendid original gilding in reliefs. […]

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