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Cerimonia di Investitura Cavalieri e Dame Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Photo gallery investiture Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence in the basilica of Santa Maria Novella dala Lieutenancy for Italy Central Apennines, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Mons. Alberto Gori, Francescano ordinato a Firenze, Patriarca di Gerusalemme dal 1950 al 1970

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Mons. Alberto Gori, Franciscan Friar ordained to Florence, Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1950 al 1970

Durante tutti i riti della Settimana Santa l’occhio e la mente dei fedeli non può non rivolgersi alla Terra Santa, in particolare il Venerdì Santo, quando per decisione papale, da tempo immemorabile si raccolgono offerte per sostenere i luoghi dove ha vissuto e operato Gesù, affidati alla custodia francescana. And then, noi fiorentini, proprio a Pasqua, […]

Intervista al direttore Caritas Gerusalemme in visita a Firenze

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Interview with the Director of Caritas Jerusalem visiting Florence

Interview with the Director of Caritas Jerusalem, Don Raed Abusahlia, made a special visit to Florence. La Terrazza di Michelangelo met him during the evening on Peace in the Holy Land, organized by the Cultural cultivate Peace, held at the Church of Santi Michele e Gaetano last 28 March. A special interview with Franco Mariani made, […]

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