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Firenze com’era nei dipinti di Fabio Borbottoni

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Florence as it was in the paintings of Fabio Borbottoni

Florence as it was in the views of the painter Fabio Borbottoni (1823-1901), thanks to the exhibition "Florence: 'Photograph' of a city history and current. The Collection Borbottoni and other views from the Art Collections Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze "featured at Spazio shows Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze up to 5 April entrance book. The initiative, clean out […]

All’Archivio di Stato mostra su Firenze Capitale

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State Archives shows Florence Capital

Until 6 June the State Archives of Florence hosts the "A Capital and its Architect. Political and social events, urban and architectural. Florence and the work of Giuseppe Poggi ", staged on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Florence, capital of the Kingdom of Italy. It was created with the decisive contribution […]

L’Ente Cassa per Firenze Capitale 1865-1870: 25 eventi da non perdere

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The Ente Cassa Florence Capital 1865-1870: 25 events not to miss

The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze participates in events to commemorate the 150 years of Florence Capital (1865-1870) promoting a full program of events, they are 25, gathered in a special project called 'The Swedish Florence Capital' with a logo specifically designed by Miriam Frescura. These events are in addition to the many initiatives promoted by the Committee, […]

La Maschera di Dante ora è un libro

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The Mask of Dante is now a book

A book on the mask of Dante, that since last February is the new 'star' of the Museo Casa di Dante, thanks to a loan from the Italian Dante Society. Written by journalist Cristina Manetti, the volume - whose preface was prepared by the Regional Director Eugenio Giani, presidente della Società Dantesca Italiana – è in vendita all’interno […]

Firenze capitale: stendardo tricolore esposto a Palazzo Vecchio

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Florence capital: tricolor banner exhibited in Palazzo Vecchio

Da sabato scorso il tricolore di quando Firenze fu capitale del Regno d’Italia è esposto in Palazzo Vecchio. Vi è stato portato in pompa magna con una “processione” civile affidata al Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina che dalla sede della Misericordia di piazza Duomo ha preso in consegna lo stendardo tricolore che nel 1865 fu […]

A Firenze accreditati 64 Consoli di Nazioni straniere

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Accredited in Florence 64 Consuls of foreign Nations

L’alto numero di stranieri da sempre presenti a Firenze, e la vocazione internazionale e culturale di Firenze, ha determinato, negli ultimi 30 years, l’apertura di molte Rappresentanze Consolari nel capoluogo toscano, sia di carriera, come gli Stati Uniti d’America o la Cina, in passato anche Francia e Inghilterra, che Onorarie, la stragrande maggioranza, da parte […]

Il Papà di Stenterello che riposa in Ognissanti

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Stenterello's father resting in Ognissanti

In piazza Ognissanti, that before the advent of Radio in the Palazzo Vecchio had become the meeting point of the Florentine Carnival reborn, also internazionalizzatosi, He finds, in the cloister of the Church of the same name, the tomb of Louis Del Buono, the creator of Stenterello, the traditional Florentine masking. Even the same Eugenio Giani, He did revive the Carnival […]

Sr Manuela prima direttrice fiorentina di S. Marta in Vaticano

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Sr Manuela before fiorentina Director of S. Marta in the Vatican

Sister Manuela Latini, Sisters of charity, fiorentina "pure – as likes to call – born in via Dell ' Orcagna", He lives in Scandicci, at the gates of Florence, but for many years was a prominent character in the tiny Vatican State, directing Santa Marta, the most exclusive hotel in Rome, the only present in Vatican, with marble […]