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Solenni Funerali per Mariella Magi Dionisi Presidente Nazionale Vittime del Terrorismo

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Solemn funeral for Mariella Magi Dionisi National President Victims of Terrorism,it

In the basilica of the SS.MA Annunziata in Florence the,it,The solemn funeral of Mariella Magi widow of the Police Agent Fausto Dionisi were held,it,National President of the "Memory" Association that collects the families of the police and the judiciary victims of terrorists,it,died prematurely to just,it,For a sudden health complication,it,while he was in Salerno visiting his daughter Jessica Dionisi,it,to the two grandchildren and the son -in -law,it,current prefect of Salerno,it,Francesco Esposito,it 2 January 2024 at 11 si sono tenuti i solenni funerali di Mariella Magi vedova dell’Agente di Polizia Fausto Dionisi, Presidente Nazionale dell’Associazione “Memoria” che raccoglie le famiglie delle Forze dell’Ordine e della Magistratura vittime dei Terroristi, morta prematuramente a soli 68 years, per una improvvisa […]