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Aumentano del  +5,48% i visitatori nei musei fiorentini

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Increases the +5,48% visitors in museums

In the year that has just ended, the 2013, the Florentine Polo won all the last input record 10 years, reaching 5.329.422 visitors, with an increase in, with respect to the 2012, by 276.705 visitors, equal to 5.48%. Not only: the data of the 2013 It is also higher than the 2007, the previous year at the beginning […]

Casa Museo Siviero un gioiello di museo sconosciuto

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Casa Siviero Museum, a gem of unknown Museum

In lungarno Serristori 5, under piazzale Michelangelo, There is a small museum, Casa Museo Rodolfo Siviero, un vero e proprio scrigno di opere d’arte, conservate in un palazzo ottocentesco, che si può visitare gratuitamente nei giorni di sabato, with orario 10-18, mentre la domenica e il lunedì dalle 10 at 13. La casa, con i […]