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Polo Museale Fiorentino: 2014, un altro anno da record

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Museums of Florence: 2014, another record year

In line with national figures released yesterday by the Minister of goods and cultural activities and tourism, Dario Franceschini, in 2014 the Polo Fiorentino got a positive result in relation to the influx of visitors to museums. Compared to 2013, the museums of the Polo Fiorentino last year drew 5.583.259 visitors, — […]

I tesori della Fondazione Buccellati esposti a Palazzo Pitti

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The treasures of the Foundation Buccellati exposed to Palazzo Pitti

From 2 December to 22 February 2015 Palazzo Pitti, in the Museo degli Argenti, will display a selection of one hundred works of art of gold of great value as that of the Foundation Buccellati, thanks to the collaboration between the Foundation Gianmaria Buccellati and the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico […]

1914 in bianco e nero: le opere grafiche che inaugurarono la Galleria d’Arte Moderna un secolo fa

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1914 black and white: graphic works that inaugurated the Gallery of Modern Art a century ago

As part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Gallery of Modern Art, Palazzo Pitti, to complement the exhibition of painting and sculpture recently inaugurated, "Lights on the '900', there is a new event, "The color of the shadow. The international exhibition of the Black and White. Purchases for tunnels. Florence 1914 ". This exhibition aims to commemorate the opening of the Gallery of Modern Art, nella […]

Sacri splendori: le reliquie a Palazzo Pitti fino al 2 novembre

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Holy majesty: the remains at the Pitti Palace to the 2 November

Last days for the exhibition Sacred Splendors, open until 2 November to Museo degli Argenti in Florence, in the boardrooms of those who were summer apartments of the Medici Family. The exhibition is dedicated to the reconstruction of the Treasures of the Chapel of the Relics in the Pitti Palace, located on the main floor of the Medici palace, that […]

Jacopo Ligozzi pittore universale

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Universal painter Jacopo Ligozzi

In Addition 100 opere di Jacopo Ligozzi, nato a Verona nel 1549 circa e morto a Firenze nel 1627, sono in mostra presso la Galleria Palatina di Palazzo Pitti, evidenziando la versatilità in tanti ambiti dell’attività artistica di questo pittore rinascimentale. L’esposizione è incluso nel programma espositivo “Firenze 2014. Un anno ad arte” giunto alla sua nona […]

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