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Turismo: stranieri, Firenze meglio di Venezia e sotto Roma

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Tourism: foreign, Best of Venice and Florence in Rome

The data covers the entire year 2014: in comparison with other Italian cities, Venice and Rome, show a positive trend in all the values ​​taken into account, from arrivals in absolute terms the average daily expenditure of tourists. The only drawback, further reduction in the average stay in the bank of the Arno. È quanto emerge dallo studio di […]

Turisti stranieri: Firenze la più visitata ma cresce il mordi e fuggi

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Foreign tourists: Florence the most visited but grows the hit and run

The city of Florence is reconfirmed also in 2014 la più visitata rispetto a Venezia e Roma. Foreign visitors in the first 8 months of 2014 grow 1.5%, spend 121 euro per day average, but the stay was reduced by 3%. This is what emerges from the study of ReteSviluppo, ente di ricerca statistico che […]