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Al Cestello prima assoluta per i 100 anni della Grande Guerra

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At the basket first for the 100 years of the Great War

The theater opens the season of basket 2014/2015 with a first in Italy, lo spettacolo “Observe the Sons of Ulster marching towards the Somme”, which will be staged on 24, 25, 26, 31 October and 1 and 2 novembre alle ore 20,45. Si tratta della fase finale di un articolato progetto di collaborazione fra […]

Gianna Sammarco, 90 di vita e 70 di teatro

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Malcolm Sammarco, 90 of life and 70 theater

Gianna Sammarco has just turned 90 years, declaring with pride, and family members, with friends, a Gabriella Manfriani ed alla compagnia teatrale “Il Giglio”, di cui è Presidente Mario Altamura, have prepared for her, Everest Theatre at Florence, una grande serata per festeggiare i suoi 70 year career; sarà un programma […]

Ricordo di Manuelita Baylon con 17 opere teatrali

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I remember with Manuelita Baylon 17 theater

La Terrazza di Michelangelo is pleased to make public, putting it online freely, the full video made with 17 clips from various theatrical works interpreted from the nineties to 2011 Manuelita by actress Florentine Baylon, who died prematurely in March 2014. The video was screened for the first time on Saturday 4 October 2014 the Theatre of […]

Al via la stagione 2014/2015 del Teatro di Rifredi

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At the start of the season 2014/2015 Theatre Rifredi

Presentation of the theatrical season 20014/15 Theatre Rifredi the presence of Maria Federica Giuliani, Chairman of the Cultural Commission of the City of Florence, Giancarlo Mordini, Artistic Director, Giovanna Malgeri, President S.M.S. Rifredi 1883, and Sara Nocentini, Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Commerce of the Region of Tuscany. Per la Presidente Giuliani “Il prezioso e consolidato […]

Al Teatro 13 il II Premio Augusto Novelli – Terza rassegna di teatro dialettale

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Al Teatro 13 the Prize II Augusto Novelli - Third theater festival dialect

The Neighborhood 2 City of Florence, da qualche mese guidato da Michele Pierguidi, al fine di risvegliare un nuovo interesse per il teatro dialettale, understood not fit the caricature but as a form of knowledge of the roots and traditions of Florence, ha organizzato per il terzo anno consecutivo la Rassegna di teatro “Premio Augusto Novelli” dedicata […]

Sabato 4 ottobre: Teatro Cestello ricorda Manuelita Baylon

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Saturday 4 October: Theatre basket reminds Manuelita Baylon

“He has left a great woman – Manuelita Baylon said, recalling last 2 March, The Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella - Manuelita Baylon, has given a lot to the Florentine theater, Tuscany and not only. Actress highly appreciated by audiences and critics, and a great connoisseur of Florentine traditions, è grazie anche a lei che in […]

Ricca di novità la nuova stagione del Teatro di Cestello

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Full of news of the new season of the Teatro basket

The new season of the Teatro Florentine basket, in full Borgo San Frediano, next to the homonymous church, with 9.500 viewers last season, is full of important meetings with the participation of prominent artists that allow managers to one of the most important and characteristic Florentine theaters to present a program full of novelty. Il programma della […]

In scena dal 30 luglio al 6 agosto

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Staged by 30 July to 6 August

Date: until 13 September Event: Estate a San Salvi 2014. We are all different genre: Festival Place: Pavilion 16 Area ex Ospedale Psichiatrico San Salvi Informazioni: 055.6236195 Date: until 30 September Event: Giardino dell’Artecultura Genere: Festival Place: Giardino dell’Orticoltura Informazioni: 328.8379162 – 328.8865138 Date: until 30 September Event: Estate al Bargello Genere: Festival […]

In scena dal 23 al 30 luglio

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Staged by 23 al 30 July

Date: until 24 July Event: Terrazza Summer Festival Genere: Festival Place: Circolo Arci Isolotto Informazioni: 055.780070 Date: until 26 July Event: Florence Dance Festival Genre: Festival Place: Cortile del Museo del Bargello Informazioni: 055.2388606 – 392.9124363 Date: until 30 July Event: InCrescendo Genere: Festival Place: Oratorio della chiesa di San Michele a […]

In scena dal 16 al 23 luglio

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Staged by 16 al 23 July

Date: until 22 July Event: Ridi che ti passa! Genus: Cabaret Luogo: Limonaia Villa Strozzi Informazioni: 338.4458473 Date: until 24 July Event: Terrazza Summer Festival Genere: Festival Place: Circolo Arci Isolotto Informazioni: 055.780070 Date: until 26 July Event: Florence Dance Festival Genre: Festival Place: Cortile del Museo del Bargello Informazioni: 055.2388606 – […]