Appello di Federalberghi al Comune per differenziare l’offerta turistica

presidente di Federalberghi Firenze Francesco BechiIl Presidente di Federalberghi Firenze, Francesco Bechi, appeals to the district authorities so that it defines a new tourism policy that rationalises flows coming, to improve the reception, but also look to the future, diversifying the offer and creating new opportunities to visit.

"After a long period of decline, attendance and revenues, – sottolinea Bechi – Tourism back steadily growing and Florence appears one of the most popular destinations, Also if you look at the search engines. It is in a favorable moment like this that must accompany the growth by identifying new ways of reception, to prevent the increase of flows causing inconvenience and difficulties to those who wishes to use, a city where almost all of the visitors is concentrated in the Roman quarter”.

Per il Presidente di Federalberghi Firenzeservono nuove vie di fuga, It serves to diversify the offer by creating new centers of attraction. In this regard we welcome the choice of the City to increase the offer recreational park Cascine, but we would like there to stop attracting only the Florentines, but it would owe to use the area to create something new, because Florence would, as the great European capitals, attract also for the modernity than that for classical art. It would make sense to reuse the center of the former Tobacco Factory, for art and for science, as we believe it should be identified a different destination for the royal house, which now houses the Faculty of Agriculture. It is knowing how to use the space available to grow the city, but not only in terms of new housing or new hotels, which frankly you do not feel so much the need. In this sense it might rethink the area of ​​San Salvi, one of the few in the city where you can make a work of redevelopment multipurpose ".

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 71 - Year II 2/07/2015