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Stories written by Mattia Lattanzi
Enrolled in the register of journalists and the National Union of film critics, before coming to this editor has worked, from 2005, with other national newspapers and Tuscany, In addition to dealing with cinema also show and record. In 2011 He became editor of the national show of pages 5 editions of the newspaper "Il Nuovo Corriere", the newspaper closed in may 2012. In 2012 is passed to the regional information newspaper on line, StampToscana.it, as an editor of the film and show pages.
Fino a domenica alla Pergola “Il visitatore” con Haber e Boni

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Until Sunday the Pergola "The Visitor" with Haber and Boni

Until Sunday 1 March to the Pergola will be staged Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni with "The Visitor", a moving, sweet and hilarious play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, translated into 15 languages ​​and represented in more than 25 countries. A chess game of words and skirmishes between Freud and a stranger, perhaps God himself, […]

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo: lanciata a  New York “Art Be With You”

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Cathedral Museum: lanciata a New York “Art Be With You”

The 29 October 2015 will open in Florence on new and spectacular Cathedral Museum, which preserves the largest collection in the world of sculpture sacred medieval and Renaissance Florentine. 750 works including masterpieces of the greatest artists of the time: Donatello, Michelangelo, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Luca della Robbia, Arnolfo di Cambio, Andrea Pisano, Antonio Pollaiuolo, Andrea del […]

Mani in pasta, i laboratori che insegnano a cucinare in modo facile, creativo e etico

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Hands-on, workshops that teach how to cook so easy, creative and ethical

How to prepare a good pizza dough, as you get a mayonnaise and vegetable, above all, how to cook with less ingredients using mainly raw materials of the season, and replacing the salt with spices, even in the most traditional dishes? He thinks "Hands-on", cycle culinary workshops that promises to teach […]

Out of music: a Firenze la prima “casa” della musica italiana

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Out of music: in Florence the first "home" of Italian music

He was born in the shadow of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, in Via Ghibellina 3c/r, a new artistic hub musical: Out Of Music, multifunctional project Dado Parisini, historic producer and musician Florentine (among his Laura Pausini, Irene Grandi, Depeche, Nek), Massimo Pacciani, Eric Buffat and Marta Dainelli. Out of Music è un luogo unico […]

Dalla Cattedrale di Canterbury a Santa Lucia, rivive l’assassinio di Thomas Becket

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From Canterbury Cathedral in Saint Lucia, relives the murder of Thomas Becket

Imagine entering a church in the evening and find ourselves catapulted back in time, precisely the 1170, astonished spectators, partakers of a tragedy unfolding before our eyes, with characters that materialize in the audience, that appear suddenly from the back of the church, from the side doors, from behind the altar, in un’atmosfera talmente […]

Volontariato: a Firenze cresce il numero delle associazioni aderenti al Cesvot

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Volunteer: Florence is a growing number of member associations to Cesvot

Continues to increase the number of voluntary associations in the Florentine area. To the 31 December 2014 are in fact adhering to Cesvot, Volunteer Service Center Tuscany, 658 associations, than 632 of 2013. It is the fact that emerges from the budget of the Service Center that has invested in the past year on the training of volunteers around the Florentine 45 […]

Il web contro mafia e criminalità organizzata

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The web against the Mafia and organized crime

Cross data to obtain, in seconds, a complete mapping of economic activities that connect people and society: Also this will defeat the mafia and organized crime. È il lavoro che da qualche giorno la Procura della Repubblica di Firenze può fare nella maniera più rapida grazie ad uno speciale software messo a disposizione […]

Calcio storico: giocata la Partita dell’Assedio

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Historic football: played the game Siege

The 17 February 1530 Piazza Santa Croce in Florence was the scene of one of the most important challenges of the Florentine Republic Emperor Charles V, when the population besieged for many months by the imperial troops, tried his hand at a football match, giving the impression of not considering the Empire army worthy of attention. Il Comune di […]

Bargello, il primo museo che “dialoga” coi visitatori

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Bargello, the first museum that "dialogues" with visitors

New at the National Museum of the Bargello, that in three months makes 150 years. For several days in the Hall of Donatello - where there are countless masterpieces - was installed "Mnemosyne", a highly innovative system that aims to offer the visitor an emotional experience, both for a greater understanding of the works, either to avoid […]

I film in sala dal 19 febbraio

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In room movies 19 February

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 19 February. Mortdecai Gender: Drama Director: David Koepp Cast: Johnny Depp, Olivia Munn, Ewan McGregor, Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Bettany, Jeff Goldblum, Guy Burnet, Jonny Pasvolsky, Alec Utgoff, Matthew David McCarthy Managing a crowd of angry Russians, […]