“Carrozze di Fuoco” di Roberto Monti

carrozzefuocoBob's House presents "Fire Carriages", book was born from the pen of Roberto Monti.

The novel is the first volume of the "Inventors of Dreams", and it looks like a wonderful little booklet for young and old.

The fact pages will flee from hands, but not from the heart, because history will enchant.

In bygone days, but not too much, Philip works with Mastro Ferdinand on the carriages, the settle, make new, to reconstruct and give life to these fantastic time transport.

In city Lucant held, then, significant competition between cars and it is here that Philip will demonstrate to all the weight of his genius and invent a "shipping method" still in use today ... Which? Find out in the novel by Roberto Monti, "Fire Carriages". Trama, descriptions and characters deserve 5 stelle su 5.

" 'Fire Coaches' born with the aim of telling the invention of the first bicycle in history - the writer admits - I had always wondered how it was designed, so, after having fantasized about a bit ', I wrote this book. It is far from the truth, sought only after the conclusion of the first draft, but I think it's a great alternative to those who still believe that fantasy is a perfect companion for life ".

"My target audience are definitely children - continues Roberto - but if I have to just be honest, even adults are my target. I like to call books for children of all ages, perhaps because, over Rodari, my other reference model is surely what lies between the lines of Fanciullino Pascoli. I wish all my books bring children and adults to deal with the size of the imagination. 'Fire Coaches' wants but also convey the message to never give up on your dreams even when circumstances seem insurmountable ".

"Read my book because ... playing with reality and everyday I wish it were not forgotten or taken for granted. And then - concludes the author - a book in which a carriage is driven by a hamster must be read; if only out of respect for the trainings to which it is subjected Squizzi the hamster. Per il futuro, Bob's House, as well as churn of fiction stories, It offers writing workshops and reading. Now I'm busy with two of these projects and if you want to learn more passes to see me on facebook to see how they are going. I miei progetti futuri legati ai libri sono correlati invece alla pubblicazione di altre due storie che, I hope, usciranno questa primavera”.

“Carrozze di fuoco” di Roberto Monti, cover price 10 euro, edito da La Casa di Bob.

Eleonora Marseille
Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 146 – Anno IV dell’8/2/2017