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Week end con il Festival del gelato al Piazzale Michelangelo

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Weekend with the Festival of the ice cream at the Piazzale Michelangelo

Gelato Festival® 2014 elects to Florence the best ice cream makers in Europe: the appointment is by 12 al 14 September to Piazzale Michelangelo (time 12-24), for a weekend ready to satisfy not only the palate but also the eyes thanks to the extraordinary views of Florence that will give visitors. “Per la prima volta sarà la terrazza più […]

Sport: un mese di iniziative nei 5 quartieri

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Sport: a month of initiatives in the 5 districts

Sport festival in city: for a month in various sports initiatives 5 Florentine districts. “La città si accende all’insegna dello sport – spiega l’Assessore allo sport Andrea Vannucci –Firenze si muove e lo fa attraverso le iniziative nei territori. Until 5 October, thanks to the synergy with the many sporting associations, for a whole month, sarà possibile fare […]

Enel assume 24 studenti del “Meucci”

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Enel assume 24 Students of “Meucci”

Enel ha subject 24 Meucci for students of the experimental phase of the training program combined school and work. The project involves the students of the fourth and fifth years of the technical colleges to address Technological developed by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Regions, trade unions and Enel. THE 24 fiorentini fanno […]

I video della Rificolona 2014

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The video of the Rificolona 2014

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Foto gallery Festa Rificolona 2014

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Photo gallery Feast Rificolona 2014

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Chiuso per Ferie

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Closed for Holidays

The publisher announced that La Terrazza di Michelangelo, from today's issue, suspend their publications throughout the month of August. The Editor wishes all readers Happy Holidays. By the number 29 – The Year of 30/07/2014

Vacanze: solo 1 fiorentino su 4 lascerà la città

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Holidays: only 1 Florentine on 4 leave the city

According to the statistical office of the City of Florence Florence only a four-, or the 25,3%, going to go on vacation, given in a sharp drop compared to previous years (32,1% in 2013 and 47,5% in 2012). Also decreases the percentage of those who will move only on weekends (8,8%, was 9,8% in 2013), […]

Palazzo Vecchio: digitalizzato il Salone dei 500

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Palazzo Vecchio: Hall of digitized 500

Palazzo Vecchio, one of the oldest and most famous palaces in Florence, known all over the world, has long been open, although gradually, multimedia; but now, with the intervention sponsored by Assinform, Confindustria, the association that represents companies in the sector for the Information Technology, Goes Digital. And she does starting from the Salone dei Cinquecento that at the […]

Firenze S.M.N: la stazione degli zingari

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Firenze S.M.N: the station of the Gypsies

In recent days, after the new anti gypsies put in place by the Prefecture and the State Railways, verso le 8,30 we decided, as drafting, to bring us to the train station of Santa Maria Novella for a visit. Both the Prefect Varratta that the Mayor did they know Nardella, a fronte delle tantissime lamentele dei […]

I fiorentini riscoprono il pellegrinaggio a piedi: domenica 7 settembre Impruneta-Firenze

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The Florentines are rediscovering the pilgrimage on foot: Sunday 7 September-Impruneta Florence

The Florentines, the more time passes, more rediscover the pilgrimage on foot. In fact it is already in its fourth edition, the Marian Pilgrimage, by 14 km to walk, by Marian Basilica of Impruneta to the Marian Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence; will be held on 7 September, day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A pilgrimage that […]