Cov nyiaj Altar ntawm lub Florence Opera tsev cia puav pheej thiab nws cov restoration

altare san giovanni museo opera duomoLub monumental nyiaj altar ntawm tus Opera del Duomo tsev cia puav pheej (cm 310 x 150 x 88) yog commissioned nyob rau hauv 1366 Ntawm cov kos duab ntawm Calimala ua ib dossal rau lub siab altar ntawm tus Baptistery ntawm Florence: nws coj ib puas xyoo ua hauj lwm, 200 txhawj xeeb txog 1050 enamelled daim hlau kom tiav 1483.

Cov tswv yim loj tshaj los yog nyab xeeb thiab sculptors ntau tiam ua haujlwm rau nws cov ntawv pov thawj: Ntawm Leonardo dier ser Giovanni e Betto tuag Geri rau Cristofano di Paolo, Tommaso Ghiberti thiab Matteo tuag Giovanni, Bernardo Cennini, Antonio di Salvi, Michelozoz, Antonio del Pollaiolo thiab Andrea del Verrocchio.

Ntawm lub kaum ob tiles uas piav lub neej ntawm St John, kawg nkaus xwb Take-off of the Baptist Andrea del Verrocchio, tiam sis tus prospective siv, Classical architecture thiab ua txoj kev puas siab ntsws muaj kuj coj mus rau qhov xav ntawm kev pab los ntawm Leonardo, Thaum lub sij hawm tus menyuam kawm ntawv ntawm Verrocchio.

"Cov nyiaj nruab nrab yog ib synthesis ntawm lub ntsiab tiam sis ntawm Florentine goldsmithing thiab sculpture ntawm lub hnub nyoog Gothic rau lub hnub nyoog Renaissance – hais Timothy Verdon, thawj coj ntawm lub tsev khaws puav pheej Opera – thiaj li tias nws yog ib qhov loj tshaj masterpieces"..

Tus restoration ntawm tus nyiaj altar tswj thiab qhia los ntawm lub chaw kuaj restoratory ntawm lub Goldsmiths ntawm tus Opificio delle Pietre Dure hauv Florence, qhia los ntawm Clarice Innocentient, Nrog kev koom tes nrog cov ntoo Sculpture sector thiab cov neeg ua zog Scientification, Yog ris los ntawm ib pab neeg uas restorers composed ntawm tus me nyuam kawm ntawv ntawm lub Opificio.

Lub degradation phenomena cuam tshuam ob cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov qauv xwb nws tus kheej. Particular, tus oxidation ntawm nyiaj yog thaum lub keeb kwm, Yuav tsum tau tshwm sim rau ntawm qhov chaw ua hauj lwm.

Lub monumental altar muaj tau dismantled nyob rau hauv 1500 Tej daim, sau rau ib lub lag luam meticulous ntxuav lag luam, consolidation thiab kev koom haum uas ploj lawm txuas lus thiab kev cob cog rua cov, ib kauj ruam, Qhov no, diversified thiab calibrated raws li cov kev txhag cia xav tau ntawm ntau qhov chaw thiab cov ntaub ntawv. Tib lub sijhawm, qhov restoration tag nrho cov qauv ntoo thiab cov majestic gilded ntoo coj qhov chaw, uas coj mus pom qhov zoo heev ua hauj lwm ntawm carving.

Mattia Lattanzi
Los ntawm cov xov tooj 239 – Xyoo VI ntawm 27/2/2019